Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's About Timing

So, as I mentioned on the other site, my hubby is all ripped up and beautiful (not that he wasn't beautiful before). Now, it's so intoxicating! Everything stands out and all I want to do is touch him. It's like I'm PMSing and he's a big ole bar of chocolate! I've been extra flirty with him and sometimes he welcomes it, other times he seems annoyed.

We were in the grocery store last night and, while we were talking about a special tea I want that he's recently purchased, I was sort of messing around with his shirt. No one else was in the aisle, so it wasn't about being embarrassed. When he stopped me, I asked him what his deal was and he said, "Because If you're talking to me and doing that I can't focus." Of course, he was in jest and so was I when I said, "Well, that's your problem." We laughed about it, but when I got home, I was annoyed. How odd! Looking back now, I had no reason to be, but I was. I suppose my heart took it as rejection.

We watched an episode of Arch.er last night (have you seen this? It's crazy!) then settled in for bed. Well, I settled in and turned over to go to sleep. He was still on his laptop looking up information about living in Vancouver. After awhile, the light was distracting and I asked him when he was going to be finished. He said soon. I covered my head to keep out the light and in a couple of minutes, he shut down his computer. I began to drift off as soon as he turned off the light on his nightstand.

After a couple more minutes, he started poking me with his toe...asking if I'd asked if he would be finished, so we could spend "time" together. I told him I asked him because, if he hadn't finished up I would have changed locations so I could sleep. I could tell he didn't want to hear that.

So, in the span of about four hours, I went from wanting to jump him to wanting him to just go to sleep and forget I exist. I think his feelings were the exact reverse. And the reason for my post on such randomness? To state the obvious: Men and women are just different. Different, I tell you! This morning, I was sleepy but ready and, of course, he had to go to work. Timing is everything.


Dee said...

why do those little comments hurt so much?
I don't get it.

And that bedtime situation is really something, huh. It's like he only needs 5 or 6 hours of sleep and I'm a beast if I don't get at least 7 so there's always that tug of war over bedtimes. . . but we are supposed to pray together before we go to sleep so that sort of forces me to stay up a little until he's ready for bed. Hmph.

Enchantress said...

Oh, GC! What do we do?! Those spouses are lots of work. :)

Icey said...


Enchantress said...

Icey - Yep! It's a fourteen hour drive from here. Crazy, huh?