Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Oh, Hints of Spring

I see you sneaking up on us. Fifty-seven degree weather on the way home, yesterday. It gave me so much hope. I'll be so grateful when the frigid temps and crazy snow have left this continent for a while (I see you East coast!). There are tulips and irises trying to peak through my yard. The other indication would have been the buds on my aspens, but hubby had those taken out last year. Ah, well. I still have this lovely, mild weather to enjoy.

I set up Indy's appointment for the specialist. The clinic is located at the local, University hospital. It just so happens that my mother works at the local University, so she has offered to come with us. Hubby is also off that day. Little Indy will have tons of support (and a pretty assertive grammy on her side). This will be towards the middle of the month (March 19th).

This whole thyroid thing has me wondering if her all-of-a-sudden flaky scalp is a side effect. I normally don't weigh my girls hair down in greases and oils but, lately I've had to with Indy. It's incredibly flaky and dry. We've shampooed with sulfur, which also helps, but I can't help wondering if her gland is really off. If so, perhaps whatever the doctor recommends will take care of that situation as well.


Dee said...

oooh pretty pic
when I came before it was hiding

Enchantress said...

Yes. I lifted it from the internet. I need to just take one of my own (since they are peaking out of the front yard). :)