Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sleepless Nights and Crazy Dreams

My TOM was late this week. It was supposed to show up Sunday but didn't show up until late last night. I knew it was going to be late, even before it was (the protocol I'm on states that this can happen). Anyway, we turned in rather late for us last night (around 11:30pm) and I was very tired.

My sleep was filled with dreams of animals...lots and lots of animals. It was a very surreal dream and I can't even describe that portion of it anymore (first thing this morning, I would have been able to recall). The other portion of the dream involved my best friend and a former friend of ours from college. The former friend and my bf had reconciled and for whatever reason, bf was having me take her to the lady's apartments for visits. I would be treated very poorly there, even to the point of having my purse rifled through and having my license stolen.

I decided not to go in, on the second drop-off, and turn heel right away. The former friend complained that I wasn't being protective enough of my bf to leave her there with her. If they had reconciled, why should I be worried about her safety? Weirdness, right? Well, the dream was full of drop-offs and pick-ups. I would take bf home to her apartment and her hubby, who did nothing but sleep all day. In real life, her hubby has no job, so this could be very true indeed.

I woke up around 2ish to whining and crying. My Chihuahua was very distressed about something. I went up front and let both dogs out. When they came in, the little dog drank a bit of water then went back into his crate. I guess he really had to go, but dang...2:00am is a little early for potty breaks. I slept fitfully, after that.

At around four, I woke up screaming in agony. I had caught the worse cramp in my calf that I've had in years. It was awful! I was yelling and tearing at the sheets. I 'm sure I smacked my hubby a few times through the fit. He was trying to calm me down, but I was in so much pain. Finally, it began to subside and he went to get me some apple cider vinegar (it counteracts the lactic acid that causes these suckers). He also gave me some potassium and vitamin C. On an empty stomach, however, those things did not sit well. I'm only now getting over the queasy feeling I had this morning.

So, I'm not running on a lot of rest today. I feel sort of loopy and out of it. I suppose if I'd had a fresh lager of green beer, I'd feel this way too (especially if I liked beer). Happy St. Patty's!


Miss Construed... said...

When I get a cramp (whether it be in the leg or foot)I usually find that to lick up a teaspoon of salt and walk around is the key; it's gone within a minute or so.

Hope that helps one day...

rn x

Dee said...

maybe your dogs got thrown off by daylight savings time. Our cats did.

Enchantress said...

Miss - How novel! The cider works well, but on an empty stomach. Blah! I think salt would be easier to deal with. I'll give it a go...but hopefully, there won't be a next time too soon.

GC - I didn't even think of that! Goodness, that puts things into perspective.