Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Starting to Feel a Bit Sad

It's nuts that I am. Hubby is still here, in the flesh and I'm already starting to miss him. He leaves Thursday for his trip to Vancouver. I told him last night that I was dreading it because I hate sleeping alone (after nearly 12 years, it's incredibly difficult for me). I might have to lug my big teddy bear from downstairs, just to have something to cuddle with. Isn't that ridiculous. He said that for him it's tough too because he won't be in the state and won't be able to just leave whenever he feels like it. He's driving up (fourteen hours, I think) with other people and will be at the mercy of their driving and their car. Nice.

Work is okay, but that is becoming a bit emotional too. We'll all be working away and then someone will say something like, "Yeah, we'll ask you while you're still here," or "When you go away, then what will we do?" Oh, the guilt! I know it's going to be crazy hard when I go home permanently. I like to socialize (always a social butterfly, my mother used to say) and I glean energy from people. One of the IT guys told me the same thing, yesterday. He insisted that I come back into the office at least once per quarter so that he could "suck positive energy away from me." He's a great guy and has always been so kind to me. He saved my personal computer once and did it solely out of the kindness of his heart. We've had many long chats in his office with other IT guys joining in for the laughs. Yeah, I'll miss that and them.

My boss, who has changed departments, keeps milling around our department. He's on the eighth floor now and we're on the seventh. I think there isn't much socializing up there and he misses that. Seems like he's on our floor a lot more than he really needs to be. I think he's lonely, poor guy. Wonder what he'll do when he has his own team to work with? I suppose my team will hardly ever see him.

Twenty-Ten is my year for change, I guess. So many things have happened already and it's just the third month of the year! I can only imagine what the rest of the year will bring. It's exciting, but also a bit scary. For now, I'm just along for the ride reacting and acting on things brought in front of me. The good thing is that this year is already world's better than last year. For that, I am very grateful.


Dee said...

wow, isn't it amazing how challenging blessings can be? It's good we don't get them until we're ready.

Good luck with the teddy. I have a rabbit.

Icey said...

I love how you miss your husband when he is away...many wives would be like "you ain't gone yet" LOLOL

Enchantress said...

GC - So true! We can't appreciate them if they're not challenging.

Icey - Haha! Sometimes I do feel like that but, we've been in a really good place, lately. :)