Thursday, December 29, 2005

New, News from the Doc

So, I had my 38 week doc appointment today. He measured my belly, listened to the baby's heartbeat then did the "glove and KY" routine (God, how I hate that!). It was worse today. Today, it felt like he was doing some deep excavation dig or something. I remember grabbing the hand he was using to stable himself while he "probed". It was awful! The news was better than the exam. I'm 2 centimeters dialted and 50% effaced. Of course, that doesn't mean the baby's coming tomorrow or anything, but it does give me a bit of hope that things are starting to happen.

I woke up this morning to consistent Braxtons (around 3:30 am) and they continue until around five. After that, they slacked off and nearly disappeared altogether. After my visit with "Doctor Probe", they started up again. Not only that, I'm feeling extra sensitive down there (and, it's no wonder). When hubby got home, he had the nerve to say, "Well, if your contractions are coming more frequently, it makes more sense that I stick around on the 31st." Yah, think?! Then I was like, "I thought you were going to be here on the 31st." Then, he was like, "Well, nothing was set in stone for tomorrow night or that night. We were just gonna get drunk." Oh, so now he was planning on drinking himself into a stupor? Well, hell. I don't want you there if you're gonna be drunk. He was like, "I wouldn't come to the hospital drunk." Ugh! Sometimes, I wonder about that boy. I really think he said all that stuff to get a rise of out me and why? Because he's being a stupid man, that's why. Geesh!

I'm so glad I have tomorrow off. Work was really weird, today. My coworker "C" and I, IM'd throughout the day to try and resolve issues. I think we solved one, but it took (literally) all day! You'd think with as slow as it's been, we could have cruised through the day, but that was not to be. She was so frustrated because she felt like everytime she tried to help, it would blow up in her face (ever have one of those days?). I kept trying to reassure her, and as I said, we ended up resolving an issue by the end of the day, but it definitely tried her patience.

So, I'm happy about the doc's assessment but I know it may mean nothing for a time. He also said that he wouldn't let me go over a week past my due date. His reasoning was that the fluid is decreasing and there wouldn't be enough to sustain the baby. He actually said, "Babies have died because of this." I'm glad he doesn't sugarcoat things with me (I just wish he had a gentler touch. Yow!!). He also said that if he waited too long, she could get so big that coming through the birth canal wouldn't be an option, then I'd have to have a C-section. No, thank you. I'm really, really hoping she comes on her own. I really don't want the pitocin was murder the last time. Here's to hoping that, with each passing day, this baby feels more motivation about coming into the world.

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