Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Good Weekend

It's been a good weekend and I'm kind of sad to see it end. Although hubby had to work Friday night, he was home all day Saturday. We assembled the baby's dresser and I finally got all the baby shower stuff off the floor and organized in the drawers. It's actually starting to look like a nursery, now...unfortunately, my kitchen looks like a tornado went through it (hubby is in the midst of painting again). But, that's okay. It's all for the greater good.

We were supposed to go to the movies today, but instead we went shopping for more baby duds. The crazy thing is that we found little of what we were looking for: border for the nursery ceiling, a lamp for the dresser, decorative outlet covers, inexpensive Energizer rechargable batteries. All we found was the lamp, which is really cute but everything else was either the wrong color or we couldn't find it at all. The same thing was true of the dresser. It wasn't until we searched and searched before we found what we wanted for the price we wanted. I suppose that's what we'll have to do this time.

So, I'm in my ninth month and hubby is horny and not scared again. We didn't try to go full on (I don't think we could, now, even if we tried) but, I was able to position myself for oral pleasure which will have to do, for now but I heard no complaints...none at all. I was kind of scared to get it myself, for fear of the pain that's now associated with everything I do. It's such a joke! My body is totally out of my control. It hurts when I sit, stand, rollover, play dead (lol)! You get the idea. The Braxtons are still coming and are a little more intense, which is another reason why I didn't allow my husband to visit downtown, but maybe I should could jump start my labor or put me in traction. Either way, I'd get a break from work. Oh, what the heck am I saying! Get this baby out! I'm starting to loose my mind!!

1 comment:

Icey said...

LOL! Glad you had an *ahem* enjoyable weekend! That baby will be here beofre you know it!