Friday, December 23, 2005

Weird Weather and Baby Stuff

Wednesday, I was home nursing the babe. Thursday, my hubby woke up with a fever and the same symptoms as the babe. Oh, brother. I started spraying disenfectant like a crazy woman! Can't afford to have the cruds while I'm 100 months pregnant. Dad took his meds like a good boy, and I sent him on his way. I took the babe to school (she was thrilled about it) and took my round butt to work.

Now, if you work in a standard office, you know how fattening it can become during the holidays. So far, one coworker has brought in two batches of homemade caramel corn. Another, took home her recipe and brought in her own version, another lady has been keeping a consistent stash of Ghirardelli's at her desk, I brought a bag of holiday M&Ms that lasted only a day, another coworker brought in about twenty, full on candy bars to share and finally, homemade caramels showed up yesterday. If I weren't preggers, I'd be a sow for sure! As it is, I can say (at least) some of the sugary goodness is actually helping my babe. Well, it could be helping!

I went and got a massage last night to try and "egg on" labor. No, luck. A few braxtons and that's about it, although, I am feeling more like she's dropped some because I was able to sing in the car without feeling like I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. Also, there are other noticeable differences: there's this feeling of "openness" I haven't had...that is to say, it feels like holding things in is getting harder to do. I may have effaced a bit, but they tell you that most mothers can't tell. I have another doctor's appointment today and, not sure about this, but maybe he'll do another internal to see if things have progressed. The lady at work who is due a week before me is already 50% effaced and at a 1. I'm guessing she's probably all nerves and excitement, now. I'm so happy for her!

Last week, we were hanging with cold temps and then dumps of snow. This week, it's like spring! 45-50 degree weather, along with rain showers. What's up with that? The ten-day predicts that we won't have a white Christmas, which is fine; however, It's kind of weird that it will be more like a Beverly Hills Christmas. I haven't experienced a mild Christmas since I was a child. If my babe were going to get a bike, this would be the year (because she could actually take it for a spin, later in the day). But, she already has a bike and will probably curl up with her brand new TV and DVDs instead. I suppose things could change between now and Sunday, but I doubt it.

Finally, we watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose last night. What a trippy movie that was! It was also not what I expected. I suppose I was expecting a more "exorcismesque" movie, but this was more like a bioptic meets L.A. Law. It was well done and well acted, but also very sad. My hubby and I commented on how "this type of thing" always seems to happen to isolated, die-hard Catholics. Ever hear of a Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran exorcism? Neither have I. I attributed the idea to all the ceremony that surrounds Catholicism (which has some influence in voodoo practices and I believe I've heard that they have their share of possessions, too.) It was kind of heavy to watch, with just a few days till Christmas. I hope we start watching "lighter fare" in the next few days.

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