Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hot, Hot, Hot!

...and I'm not talking about the temperature outside. My hubby was off last night, so I had him all evening to myself. You'd think the fireworks would be going off, seriously. We watched a movie and then started in on another one. Fifteen minutes into it, he fell asleep. Well, I couldn't fault him for that. I know that he's probably so exhausted from the hours he's pulling and this was the first time in a long time he got to sleep at night. It was easy to forgive the nod-off. This morning, I was ready for him to make-up for it so, I'm nudging the hell out of him, trying to get things going (you know, strategic stroking and caressing) thinking, "I know this will get him. He can't possibly turn me down." I mean, talk about an easy lay.

When I notice he's awake, the following conversation takes place (I didn't want to conversate, if you noticed):

Me: "Hey don't you want to?"
Him: "Yeah, honey, but I gotta get up and get ready in a few minutes" (Please! That's never stopped him before)
Me: "Are you afraid?"
Him: "Well, I'm a little hesitant. I just don't want to do anything to put the baby in jeopardy"
Me: "The baby will be fine, honey. She's in the most protected environment there is."
Him: Well, I'm just thinking about last night and the past few nights. She (the baby) has been so busy and you've been so uncomfortable. I don't know how we can without it being too difficult for you.

The sentiment is sweet, but hell! Let me decide if I can or can't. Lord, I'm in need! Like I said, this is a new experience for me. During my last pregnancy, I would have been happy to have him stay as far away from me as possible. This time, I'm ravenous and it's really starting to get on my nerves that he's being so fidgety about our intimacy. Granted, our positions are very limited, but we can still get it on without too much difficulty.

Hubby is an oral fanatic, so he's been thrilled that I'm so sensitive and receptive to it, lately; however, I want it all! Call me greedy but, dammit, things are getting way too frustrating. He's off tonight too and I think I may have to rape his ass, if it comes to that. What do they say about denying pregnant women food? I think the same is true of all appetites.

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