Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to School

Friday, I took the babe to school with hubby following in tow. It was a beautiful, end of the summer's day and there were kids a plenty; walking, riding and biking to school. Once we arrived, the little one ran to the playground and released some pent up excitement before the bell rang. I took lots of pictures of the momentous day. The bell rang (toned) and she ran straight to her appointed place, along with a slew of other children, and waited for her teacher to invite them in. We tried to get her to come over and kiss us goodbye, but no luck. Her teacher came out and she ran straight inside. I was glad that she knew what to do, but sad that she didn't say goodbye to us.

The parents loitered around peering into the windows to see what the kids were up to. One little boy stood in the center of the classroom, screaming for his dad to come inside. I, standing next to his father, immediately began to chant, "Don't look! Don't look at him!" We soon began to dissipate and hubby and I decided to go out for breakfast. It was one of the nicest morning dates I can ever remember having with him. I had the eggs, hashbrowns and pancakes. He had steak and eggs, hashbrowns and pancakes. Barely able to move, an hour or so later, we adjourned and he took me back to the school(where my car was parked). I took him in, so that he would know where to pay for lunches and who worked in the office. Then, we got in our cars and drove away.

I went to shop for hair and then to my mother's job for a visit. We ended up having lunch together in her office. Afterwards, I went back to the school to pick up the little one. The cry-boy came running out first and met his daddy with an excited, "Daddy, I had a great day." It was really sweet. Mine came out later happy to see me, but wondering where her daddy was. We got in the car and chatted about the first day of school. She had fun and said she listened to her teacher and did everything he said. They also had lunch, and she got to punch in her code. She remembered all the numbers, except the last one. They had hamburgers, yogurt and juice (there may have been more, but that was all I could get out of her).

Once home, she settled in for her nap and I had some quiet time with hubby. I fell asleep around 1:30 and didn't wake up until the phone rang at around 2:30. It was Colleen from my doctor's office:

"Hello? Is _______ there?"
"Yes. This is she."
"Hi, _______. This is Colleen from the Tanner Clinic. Did you have an appointment today with doctor Bitner at 2:00?"
"Oh my God! Yes. I am so, so sorry."
"Did it slip your mind?" (Hell yeah, it slipped my mind...so much so that it wasn't until she called that I remember. Regardless of the fact that I had scheduled it on the day I knew I would be off AND I had it written down everywhere. Ah, the joys of being pregnant!)
"Yes. It was the first day of school and so much was going on...I can't believe I forgot."
"It's okay. We've got some open appointments for next week. Why don't I transfer you to the scheduler."
"Yes. Thank you. That would be great." (Oh man, still shuddering with embarrassment).

So, the appointment is this afternoon and there's a good chance that I'll actually make it! Oh, brother. The babe went to morning daycare today and will be dropped off at school by the bus, as well as picked up. I hope she remembers all the rules and so forth. I'm more worried that they'll forget my little chocolate chip than anything.

Oh, and she was complaining of a sore tooth this morning. Goodness! It's time for that already. All the milestones...I don't know if I can handle anymore.

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