Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Feeling Better...cough, cough, cough

Last night was the first night I actually slept soundly without waking up to run into the bathroom to cough up buckets full of phlegm (how's that for a visual). I'm still coughing and will probably cough for the next week or so. It's just like I said in a post earlier, as soon as things quiet down and everyone's expected to listen attentively, I start in with my old man coughing.

Yesterday was our all-staff meeting and the beginning of our week-long, faculty colloquium. These yearly meetings are always a mind blower because so many of our staff work across country. This is the only time we get a real visual of just how many people work for our University. Anyway, there are about 200 of us now (I remember when there were only 30 of us) and I was working really hard to try and remember name's to faces. I eventually gave up. My coughing started during the heart of our president's presentation and didn't stop until he presented the 5-year watches (my boss received his). Then, he presented a new award for "excellence" (there were only two handed out). Guess who got one of those suckers? I was totally blown away! A crystal weight with my name engraved as well as two, round-trip tickets to anywhere in the United States! Man, I must be living right. I was so excited! After that shock, we went to eat and "play" at Boondocks Family Fun Center.

Despite being preggers, I bit the bullet and drove the go-carts. That was more fun than I remember (I think I was a kid, the last time I did that). No Bumping signs all over the place (the only rule for the event) and what happens? Some rat-nosed kid bumps me. The only pregnant woman on the track and he bumps me (lil' .......)Afterwards, we played "Ice Ball" and won tickets for crap only a kid could love (all of which I gave to my daughter, once I got home). We then got accosted by every well-wisher hugging and (yes) even kissing me, before we finally headed out of there at 6:30 pm last night. It was a good day.

I got home expecting to find an empty house, but when I pulled into the garage, I saw my hubby's car. What the....? Well, turns out Mr. Fabulous overslept (again) and missed an appointment with a guy he was supposed to train. When I tried to get him to talk, he was so loopy that I could barely get anything out of him. He did congratulate me on my awards, but I don't think he really "got" it until this morning when he called to congratulate me again. He's been so tired and crazy, lately. I keep waiting for the "sleep doctor" to call with news on what he should do about his apnea. It's really starting to effect his life in a bad way.

I started work on part of my Halloween costume, Saturday. I am by no means a seamstress (totally self taught), but I do okay. I figure I should be done with the cape by this weekend and the great thing is, it's multi-functional. I can wear it during the winter, since my belly will probably not allow me a comfortable fit in my winter trench coat. The cape is super roomy.

The rest of the costume is in need of a dye job. It's lipstick red (purchased from eBay) and I will be dying it black (again, hopefully this weekend). I'm still trying to "construct" the idea of who I am in this costume. We always do it up big here, so I don't want to come off looking crazy. Last year, I did the disco diva thing, complete with sequined hat and halter top, black satin pants, platform heals, lots of gold chains, huge gold earrings and bangle bracelets, big Farrah-type hair with gold accenting spray and a gold chainmail belt to accentuate the effect. I was looking pretty good, but only a few people "got" it. (Utah: they're so clueless)

The pregnant lady is hungry, so I'm going to find some substanance quick and in a hurry.

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