Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Few Changes

I changed the template and straightened up a few "problems" I had with the last one. I hope this is easier to read for everyone (including myself). I've also added a couple of links from my former blog, my email address and my "100 Things" for more info about yours truly.

My cold has "kicked in" and the stages have begun. I sneezed for half the day and now, the coughing has started. I'll cough and sleep breathing through one nostril for about three or four days. The cough will be the last to go (I expect to see it depart around early October). I'll feel fine, but hack like a 3 pack-a-day smoker. It's really annoying. I can remember getting sick during exams in high school (stress and lack of sleep every time) and hack through the entire examination. I don't know what was more distracting, my hacking or everyone asking me every two minutes, "Are you okay?" or "Do you need some water?". I always wanted to yell, "No. I don't need any water, you morons. Water isn't going to make the phlegm go away now, is it." Thank goodness for tact.

I'm so excited! I finally found a dance studio for my daughter. For weeks, she's been asking me, "When am I gonna dance, mama?" or "When's my next recital?" Her last dance class was offered through a studio that actually gave lessons to kids in various daycares throughout the valley. How convienient for us busy parent-types! She absolutely loved it and I was glad to give her that opportunity. When daycare ended and Kindergarten began, I worried that she might not be interested or, if she was, I wouldn't be able to find anything for her that was in a decent price range. She is and I did! She starts to tomorrow at 5:15, once a week until December, when she has her recital. That's the best part for the kids, in my opinion. I loved my recitals - putting on make-up (the only time I could, as a child), getting the hair all prettied up, wearing my costume and being a complete show-off, legitimately, all night long. Then, there was the flowers from mom and dad after each performance.

Hubby was home when I got home last night. We've been watching Lost on DVD for the past few nights and are absolutely addicted! We were up till past 11:00 (which is late for me) watching the episodes on disc 4. I've asked my mother to TiVo the new season for us, until we can finish up season 1. It's extremely well written, well acted and (go figure!) original. We were both exhausted and fell asleep holding hands (I kid you not!) I think we both had the loving in mind, but were too tired to do anything about it. Oh, well.

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