Friday, June 17, 2005

The Surreal Sets In

It's really amazing! When I had the ultrasound on Wednesday, I guess I hadn't fully excepted that I am, indeed, a pregnant lady again. Then, we saw that little baby kicking and moving furiously, her/his little heart pounding. It was miraculous. My daughter and hubby were in total awe and asked lots of questions. I was happy that they were so into the experience.

That evening, we ran into lots of trouble, mainly with trying to get our crap-heap of an evaporative cooler going. Well, the dang thing was broken so, hubby and a neighbor tossed the heap onto the ground outside then hauled up a new one to install. Just when we thought all was well, the pump wouldn't work. Ughh! It was 90 degrees on Wednesday and about 99 in our house. It was so unbearable I thought I would die! By 11:00 pm, we'd sort of given up and called it quits, leaving on the cooler in hopes that some cool air would get us. (There are some obvious electrical troubles with it. Hubby called our neighbor last night to try and get him back over to help. I hope that, between the two of them, they can fix it before it really starts to scorch this summer).

Despite all that, the household has been in happy spirits, eagerly anticipating the new arrival (which isn't due to arrive until January 12th. Remember what I said? I knew it! The date didn't change at all...such is my luck). Anyway, who knows. The baby will come when she's/he's good and ready.

I'm anxious for the weekend, not so much for any plans I've made (which there are none) but for the time to sleep, sleep, sleep. Sleeping has become my favorite pastime, next to watching the Golden Girls. I absolutely love that show! I've also been heavily fixated with Miami Vice episodes. What a great show that was. Great writing, great acting and of course pastels a plenty.

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