Monday, June 06, 2005

The First of Many

Today's the first doctor's appointment. From what I understand (and honestly, I can't remember if I had as many with my first child) but, you're supposed to have thirteen total visits at the doctor's office before you have your baby. Thirteen! That's like two appointments a month. Yikes! I'm not sure if that includes the radiology visit, when you have the ultrasound. If not, include one more visit with the thirteen. Crazy! I know that it's all for the health of the baby and to make sure everything is smooth sailing. Frankly, I'd be more panicked if there weren't as many appointments.

Hubby and I are excited and are even more eager to hear the due date (we're assuming some time in January, but we're not sure). We've been a bit foggy on when this child was actually conceived. I don't keep up and neither does he. I will say that, even for just a few weeks, my clothes are struggling. I can't wear any of my jeans and none of my dresses. I went to Ross Dress for Less and picked up a couple of items. I know I'll need more. I can't believe how round my belly is! I know I was into my fourth month before anyone could really see anything.

I'll leave work around noon today, and it's a good thing. It's really coming down outside and I know it will be a trial to stay focused today. The heater is right behind my chair, warming up my bum and back. Nice. I'll be in snooze heaven before long.

I'll add pictures soon. I know this site isn't nearly as visually appealing as my other one. Hopefully, when my energy returns, I can change the colors a bit and add more stuff.

I'm happy to say that Friday night, I did get my Rumbi but they didn't do my brown rice as I requested. The white rice was good, but the brown is so much better for me (and baby). I ordered a full bowl (which I've never been able to get through). I got through it with little trouble. I also slept in till 7:00 am (Woohoo! That's late for me) on Saturday. We spent the day lounging and watching movies. I made a huge breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and biscuits. So, good! We had Carls Jr. Six Dollar Burgers for dinner. I've never had one before. It was huge! I got through it (just barely). My hubby had two...TWO! Amazing. I think his stomach must have worked all night to break those down. Food has been our friend for the past few days. I really, really, really need to get on the treadmill and soon.

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