Friday, June 03, 2005

It's the Weekend, Baby...Yeah

I'm actually really happy about the weekend because I totally "missed" last weekend (what with being sick as a dog and all). I don't have any plans and that's okay. Being able to sleep in sounds really good to me. I'm also craving Rumbi Island Grill, so getting to have that this weekend also makes me two tons happy.

I was awake early this morning and The Parkers was on. I've never been a fan of that show and realized even more this morning how ridiculous it is. I hope that the viewing audiences are intelligent enough to know that all African-Americans don't act like that. We're not all ghetto and crazy. I also think it's interesting that they put in the "token white" instead of the "token black" in this show to kind of balance the odds. We've been doing it for years. I wonder how Jenna von Oy handled it? Not that there's anything wrong, I just wonder how big of a change that was for her going from Blossom to The Parkers. Anyway, it was just an observation I made for the 2.5 minutes I watched (that's about all I could stand).

The nausea is still hanging around, but I seem to do alright about an hour after I've eaten. Eating seems to help, especially protein. I've been having a hankering for some of my famous fried chicken. I know. Fried - not good. Baked - Good, but dammit, I want the fried and I use olive oil instead of canola or vegetable, so that's gotta count for something, right?

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