Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Bag Lady

For as long as I can remember, I've always been one to carry lots of bags. Not because I want to, but because I always have a ton of stuff. Sometimes, the bag carrying gets totally out of control and I start having back troubles. I get sick of it, trade in my suitcase of a purse for a tiny one and refuse to bring anything anywhere. Well, with the pregnancy settling in, I've been hungry, hungry, hungry. I had to stop at Wally World this morning and pick up a few supplies (something I'll probably need to do once a week, to keep the office cabinet stocked). Anyway, I bought frozen pancakes and ready-to-serve bacon for breakfast, juice for sipping throughout the day, and popcorn for snacking. All of this in the convenience of two, very large Wally World bags. Of course, I also had my purse to carry as well as my lunch bag. Nice. I'm lugging all this "stuff" around, along with about three extra pounds up front. What a moron!

Hopefully, I won't have to do that too often. I can't afford to have any back troubles right now. So far, the baby isn't putting too much strain where that's concerned, but I do feel tired quickly and need to sit down much more often. Can't sit down comfortably when you're carrying twenty bags now, can you?

The evening was kind of rough. The commute home was filled with accident after accident. I didn't get home until a quarter to 6 (and I left here at 4:25) Yikes! The thing that irritates me to no end is that all the slowing could have been prevented if idiots weren't rubber-necking ever accident. Unless you recognize the car on first glance or the tags, keep moving buddy. I don't have time to wait for you too see if there's any carnage. Get a life! Rent a movie!

Thank goodness there were leftovers to eat and they were easy to heat up, once I did finally make it home. They were wonderful spaghetti and meat sauce leftovers. Yum! I then, went to my room and rested until I feel asleep. Thankfully, dad kept the little one outside and she enjoyed having the evening with him.

Hooray! She's gotten into Kindergarten! I got the news this past weekend. If you've been following my other blog, then you know that I've had major anxiety over getting her into this school district (we don't live in this district, but both hubby and I work in it). Anyway, she'll have registration on August 10th and we have to buy uniforms. That ought to be interesting. I think it will make things a lot easier for us, anyway. I've been talking to her about "big girl" school, but I don't think she's grasped the concept yet. I need to take her over there so that she can see the building and get an idea for where she will be. I think once she sees it, she'll be okay...I hope.

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