Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The First Appointment

I had my first appointment yesterday. It went well, despite the fact that I was late (lots of rain plus a hubby who "found" a short-cut...draw your own conclusions). Anyway, I really like my doctor. I think I like her more than the last one, but that remains to be seen. She was very thorough and even did the "digging for buried treasure" exam (Ugh!). Anyway, she thinks that the baby is much farther along than we thought. She asked me to schedule an ultrasound for dates so that we could determine how far along I am. I'm hoping it's earlier because the less time I have to be pregnant the better.

Most of my office knows, now and I've informed all of the appropriate people, including my boss and the HR person. They've all been very happy and supportive. I am glad of it. I'm wearing a maternity dress because I just couldn't do it anymore. My stomach is huge and I just can't wear my pants. I'm really curious as to how far along I am. In fact, I'm itching to find out. Will I deliver in late December rather than early January? Could I be just super fat? What's up?

I'm still eating like a horse. Hubby is making salmon tonight and it's such an aggressive fish that I wonder if I'll be able to stomach the smell. I do love salmon and would hate to be deprived of it, just because the smell made me want to retch. Yesterday, we went to Golden Corral for lunch and I gorged on their clam chowder. It was soooo good. It really hit the spot on a cold, spring day. (Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with the weather. It's been raining off and on all day and it's been around 50 degrees or so. What month is it again? Amazing!).

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