Monday, March 10, 2008

A Surprisingly Good Weekend

With new found hope, it's amazing how a simple weekend can become one of the better ones of the year. We (the family) spent it together; shopping, driving, playing, eating and watching movies. Sunday, we were supposed to go to the circus, but hubby decided he didn't want to spend the afternoon smelling manure (can't say that I blame him). Besides, the babe and I will be venturing off to the city to see Disne.y Princ.esses on Ice next Sunday (unbeknownst to her). Indy will be with her grandmother, bonding away.

(It's been a crazy day and it's taken me all day to post. I'll have more tomorrow).


Icey said...

We are surprising our Babe with a trip to San Antonio...she loves San Antonio! This year however, she will be able to go to Fiesta Texas (amusement park) and get her ride on. We will be there ALL DAY (pray for me please!) LOL

Dee said...

I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up.

Amber said...

I'm glad you had a great weekend with your family. I hope things continue to look up for you guys.

Enchantress said...

Icey - How exciting! Will this be the first time she's done the amusement park thing? I remember when my babe did it for the first time (she was four, I believe...maybe five). No fear! We did the kiddie rides only for a little while, then she was ready to take on the big ones. Her height was the only thing that stopped her from riding things I would never get on. LOL! My prayers are with you as you brave that new adventure.

GC and Amber - Thanks so much!I know that all the good energy you guys have makes a difference. :)