Thursday, January 07, 2010

A New Perspective

As I approach my thirty-fifth birthday (seriously?!), I've started to think about my life; front and back. Nostalgically, I've thought about where I was ten, twenty even thirty years ago. The recitals from childhood, the boys I liked in junior and senior high school, friendships I made and lost in college. Frustrations and anger I felt over things I thought were so important, that now seem so trivial. As a married woman with children, I look at how everything effects myself, my children and my husband. All of my decisions, for the rest of my life, will involve myself and my family.

Hubby and I watched the following last night and I gained so much from the program. I guess it's a new series for PBS. Anyway, it falls right in line with what I'm thinking about these days. What makes me happy? Would I be happy with more material things or do I just think I would be? Considering my happiest moments, what do they all have in common? There were some remarkable people featured during this episode. One, whose story actually made me cry, gave me the most to think about. In all the crappy, bad, horrible things that have happened in my life...if I could erase/wipe away those moments as if they never existed, would I? The answer, of course, is no. Absolutely not. I would not be the person I am today, if not for all of my experiences (good or bad). It was a sobering thought.

The path of life is definitely looking shorter and shorter as I age. I certainly echo the thoughts of some of the older individuals. Having time with my family means so much more.


Miss Construed... said...

Hey M

A new year often brings a new perspective; lets hope that 2010 is a better one for the World and everyone lucky enough to still be in it.

Hope you, Hubby and the girls had a fantastic Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

To Friendship and Blogland...

RN xx

Enchantress said...

Hey, Miss - So good to hear from you. I echo your thoughts completely and thank you for the kind wishes. Wishing you the same for you and your family and also hoping that you receive all the love you deserve. :)