Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September...the Month of Change

I'm cray busy (we've been interviewing for the vacant spot in my department for the last two days) and now I'm behind with my regular work. I shouldn't be blogging, for that matter, but I thought I would post information about my personal life here...for future reference or for whenever I need to look back at my life and shake my head. Things are not improving at home. Hubby is sleeping downstairs and I can't even bear to talk to him. I try, but I always get choked up and can't say much. Is this really happening? Every night before bed, I think that. I truly need to just give this to God because there's nothing else I can do. If this is to be the situation for my life, then I guess I'd better accept it.


Tasha said...

*hug* You're doing right by giving the issue to God. He will allow this to work out in the way that it is supposed to. Sometimes when we try too hard to fix our own problems, we can make them worse. I always believe that a healthy dose of prayer and patience will get anyone through just about anything.

I've dealt with a lot of this in my life, so if you ever need to vent please feel free to email me: (and I sincerely mean that...not just some empty sympathy)

Enchantress said...

I surely appreciate it, Tasha...and I'll certainly take you up on the offer (same here...I've been a sickly soul, so I'm here for you, too!) :)