Thursday, October 02, 2008

Surrounding Myself with Friends

Last night was a little better, but not great. After I talked to hubby and found out that he's sleeping better, in fact "great" was how he described it. I was a little irritated. I suppose it was a natural reaction; why should he be sleeping better when I'm completely miserable (as is his daughter)? He later said that he slept better because he hadn't slept at all the night before. So, his body was exhausted. He felt good about getting four hours. I was less irritated after hearing this, but still annoyed. I just envision him having a grand ole time with his friends and chatting away on his new laptop (did I mention this? He bought one from my office). He does the chatting (or at least, I envision him doing this), while I'm at home playing task manager to our kids. He ran errands last night, then returned to the "house". I helped with homework, prepared dinners and entertained children. Then, we read a bit more of The Tale of Desperaux before bed.

This morning, I was so unhappy and beside myself that I was talking myself out of working. What's the point? Why bother? I was so unmotivated, not because I don't want to whip my body into shape, but because of just general depression. I had to will myself out of my bed and get on the elliptical. I rationalized that even 30 minutes was better than nothing. Being the competitive soul that I am, however, I managed the entire hour. I felt a little better (probably the endorphins), but not by much. There's only so much endorphins can do, you know?

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with friends. I actually got invited out to dinner next Tuesday as well, but we'll see how generous hubby is feeling about watching the kids. I don't know what plans he's making or if people are suddenly vying for his attention. At any rate, I will go and try to enjoy myself. These are ladies that I like, so that will help. You know how sometimes you're invited by one friend, but 8 other folks come that you don't know? Discomfort could be the word for the evening, if they turn out to be ill-mannered or unfriendly. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that tonight. I will miss the debates I really need to see them? I already know who I'm voting for (wink, wink).

Saturday, I have to go into town and rehearse with my family. I'm not thrilled about doing this (the whole singing bit), but I will get paid for the final event. I imagine that the money will go to Christmas presents for the kids. Man, families can suck you dry! lol!!

I wanted to take my girls to the amusement park we have here this weekend. This weekend in particular, because it's time for conference (the biannual meet-fest the Mormons here have). They'll all be downtown listening to the speakers and attending the events. The rest of the heathens can go shopping and amuse ourselves in places, usually overrun with people. Unfortunately, it's also supposed to be dead-ass cold and I'm not eager to have sick kiddlets again. If it doesn't rain or freeze-out, I may still take them. There are also corn-mazes here and that might be easier to deal with physically and financially (the damn amusement park charges for my 2 year old. What the hell?!).


Dee said...

I'm confused
re we'll see how generous hubby is feeling about watching the kids
I thought the separation was just between the both of you

Tasha said...

I'm glad you made yourself get up and get on the elliptical. Endorphins do count for something. Getting out, even if it's slightly uncomfortable is probably a great thing. I swear I could have written the line about 8 other people coming out that you don't know. I'm a very private person, so meeting a bunch of people like that can rattle my nerves.

Even if it's cold as sin outside, it'll probably still be fun to get out with the kids. Lots of hot chocolate or cider afterwards!

Enchantress said...

GC - You know, until you said that, I didn't realize how little time he's spent with them over the past few days. As he keeps saying, "We're still trying to figure everything out...the rules and such, if there are such things as rules." He would probably be over here more, if he wasn't so afraid that it would "challenge" what we're doing. I guess I'm just as confused as you are.

Tasha - It's true and I felt a lot better as the day progressed. I'm actually not that private a person, but I don't like being put in strange situations. Once, I was invited to dinner by a friend (20 years older than me, mind you) and after cocktails, they all shared a joint. It was so weird to me and awkward. Of course, I declined, but I was baffled that it just came out of nowhere.

I love the idea of hot chocolate and cider after wards. I would do it just for that! Yum!

Icey said...

Um, yall are supposed to be enjoying AUTUMN weather...what is this already cold business!!!

Enchantress said...

Hey, Icey: Well, it's not quite there yet (this Saturday and Sunday, supposedly). The leaves are beautiful, but we've still got high 80's temps. We'll be down into the 50's and 60's this weekend where we're supposed to be, so I guess that's not really that cold, but it will seem cold.