Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Smut Meme (tagged)

Wow! I haven't been tagged in a while. Smut, huh? Haven't talked trash in a while either. This should be interesting. Who tagged me? Why, Buffoon, of course. Who shall I tag? How about GC and Icey (if they're up to it). Anyone is welcome to join this band wagon. Equal opportunity, right?

You're welcome to post it on your blogs. You must call it the Smut Meme, you must link to me in the beginning paragraph, and you must tag 2 people, and link to them as well. Oh, and you must post this little blurb of instructions at the beginning, as has been done here.

1. Chocolate or Whipped Cream:

I love both! And together? Oh, the possibilities! Hubby and I haven't indulged in "food love" in a long time. It's hard to be creative when kid could enter in anytime.

2. Leather or PVC:

I used to get these smut catalogs when I was a teenager. PVC clothing is huge "underground". There were even ads on how to have a PVC wedding! I never entertained the idea for my own sex life, once I began to have one. I'm a sweater and it just seems like you'd sweat buckets with that stuff on. I'll stick with the cow-hide (pleather, preferably.) Oh, and cow-hide if it died of natural causes, I suppose.

3. Outdoor Sex or Indoor Sex:

Indoor. I have an issue with critters joining in.

4. In the Jacuzzi or In Bed?

Both! It's been a while since we've done it in water. Don't try this unless everything is "ready" or it could prove really uncomfortable.

5. Bad Sex or No Sex:

Yeesh! I'd rather have no sex than bad sex. I don't choose to, but I'd rather handle things "on my own" if these were the choices.

6. Dominate or Be Dominated:

Can't we take turns?

7. Thigh highs or Bodystocking:

Neither. Both would just get in the way.

8. Fast or Slow:

Depends on my mood.

9. Rough or Gentle:

See #8

10. Bite or Suck:

Hubby likes both. No biting sensitive areas on my end, please.

11. Role play or Reality:

Reality. Hubby and I have talked about it, but I think I would just laugh the entire time. I'm too honest for my own good, I guess.

12. Dirty Talking or Dirty Talking To:

Hubby likes me to talk dirty, but I feel so fake when I do. He's always asking, though. If it's directed at me? I don't care either way.

13. Edible panties or No Panties:

I'd rather not wear much of anything. I'm waiting for the "Garden of Eden" days to return.

14. Spanking paddle or Bare-handed:

None of the above.

15. Landing Strip or Kojak:

Right now, things are a little wild, but I'm for the Kojak look, thanks.

16. Multiple Sessions or One Good F*&%:

Multiple sessions. When I've got the energy, 2 or 3 hours is great!

17. Moaning or Screaming:

Compulsive talkers like me make noise. This has caused kid curiosity. I've had to tone it down a lot since the kids came into the picture.

18. Older (Wo)men or Young (Wo)men:

Older, please.

19. Threeway or No Way:

If I weren't married? Who knows!

20. Swing or No Swinging:

Nah, I don't like to share.