Monday, February 23, 2009


I have a three year old who is totally obsessing over a movie. Typically, she rotates her favorites: Dora, Elmo, My Little Pony and Barney. Recently, we obtained 2 and she's watched it at least twice every day, since we got it (we're talking about a week). Craziness, right? The story is better than the first and the music is great (sometimes hilarious; Big and Chunky is a favorite at our house), but does that merit multiple watchings each day?

I had to think about it and my oldest didn't obsess about things quite this way, but I certainly did. For me, I had to watch The Lion, the Witch and the Ward.robe multiple times a week (the animated version), along with King Kon.g (the 70's version) and Wonder Woman. I've noticed that she doesn't just get completely OCD about movies either. Other things creep into her obsessive nature. She used to be terrified of lint and would do everything she could to get it off of her, keep it away or destroy it entirely. Thankfully now, she's just mildly irritated by it. She doesn't like anything on her hands, especially sticky hands and will wash them frequently through out the day (which is a bonus for a small child, I guess).

She also performs tasks in a very systematic way. When I put her in the spare bedroom to watch something, the footstool she uses to get on the bed must be in the same spot every time, the house shoes go off only after getting on top of the bed and I always get a "thank you, mom" when I leave the room (after turning on the movie for her). It's so wild! I'm hoping that the obsessive nature doesn't get too out of hand. All I'll ask is that it sticks around for things like homework and room cleaning. Lol!


Dee said...

wow, in the fight between nature and nurture, nature is getting the upper hand
I love the hand washing. It's adorable and unusual for a second child. It's usually the first born that gets all uptight about that stuff.

Tasha said...

At least she stays (and likes being) clean, and that's a blessing! I think some kids just like that kind of order in their lives.

I completely obsessed over watching the Wiz when I was around that age. I loved Michael as the scarecrow with every fiber of my little being :-)

Enchantress said...

GC - I've heard that about birth order, too. She's so not the norm for a second child in another way; she's very mature, where her sister was always just at age-level.

Tasha - ME TOO! I know that dang thing by heart; "My mama used to say to me, "Fleet!"..."Fleet?" That's my name; Fleetwood Coup De Ville. Mama had hi ideas, you know what I mean?"