Monday, September 03, 2007

So,You had a Bad Day?

It's Labor Day, boys and girls and my day was uneventful until about ten minutes ago. My daughter has a school project (or, you could say "I" have a school project and she's just throwing in some extras here and there) and we were working on it when dad came home. We'd been at it about an hour when he showed up, ate some cereal then got in the shower. He asked me several times if I wanted to go with him to the store (we're pricing out flat screens) and I told him I did, once the project was finished.

He finished with his shower then waited for me to finish with the project (or so he seems he didn't start screaming for me until he was done dressing).

"Why can't you finish this when we get back?"

"Because I want it done so I don't have to think about it anymore. Why don't you just go without me."

"Well, I wish I had known this before. I've been waiting for you and I've got stuff to do downstairs when I get back. You know _____ is coming tomorrow to help me."

"I told you, you can just go without me. I had to get this finished because, I know you wouldn't help with something like this and we still have to read for 20 minutes tonight."

"You can't find twenty minutes before she goes to bed tonight...and I got all this stuff to do."

"Well just tell me what it is and I'll do it!"

"You can't do it! It's stuff you just can't do!"

On and on this went until he stormed out. I opened the door to the garage to ask him, "So, you're just going to leave without taking her?"

"She doesn't want to you want to go (speaking to the babe)?"

"She needs to go with you. She's been stuck at home most of the day."

"I don't think she wants to go. She said she didn't want to go!"

"Fine! Then, just leave her here!"

I know where this is coming from. He had a day from hell at work and now everything is pissing him off. I say, "Just get the hell out of my house and do some therapy shopping until you cool off." At least, that's what I'd like to say.

September is the month of change. I hope he changes his attitude or he won't make it through the month of September!


Dee said...

fall is already in the air around here. Cool nights and chilly mornings.
Hope the project turned out great.

Enchantress said...

It did, thanks! I'm jealous. I'm ready for the beautiful leaf colors and cooler weather. I just heard we've had the hottest summer on record. I'm feeling it, believe me. Send some of that great stuff our way!

Miss Construed... said...

Men; they can drive you nuts hey?

September's always been a great month for Me; so I'm sending the good September vibes your way...


Got them yet?

Hope so!