Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Changing My Thinking

It's very frustrating to step on the scale and see no change. I've been very careful about what I've been eating. More than anything, it's been a course of action to shrink my stomach and it is working. I mean, think about it; people who over-eat stretch their stomachs out to sometimes gargantuan proportions. I have not done this, but it has stretched enough to accommodate one or two too many burritos and hamburgers. With work, you can force your stomach back to it's normal size. It's not normal yet but I'm sure that it's getting there (I can tell when I eat that I can't eat as much). So, what I want to know is this; why is it easier for me to subsist on only a thousand or so calories a day but getting up to do my aerobics is nearly impossible?

I'm at the 1200 calorie mark and a bit above, which means my body isn't in starvation mode; however, I am not the workout machine I once was. Not because I don't want to be, but because time and distractions seem to be a huge problem for me as of late. I could blame it on Indy, who is twenty-months old now and into everything! If I'm gone for longer than a standard Elmo movie, all hell breaks loose. The kids have been watching t.v. in our room, since we sold the big screen but there is one downstairs. Why not just set your kids up down there? Then, you're only one door away and you can still walk on the treadmill. Good point.

I could blame it on the babe. Homework seems to take nearly an hour and a half to complete each day (I don't remember this in second grade. What are teachers doing nowadays?). On Mondays, we have to do it in the afternoon, but every other day is a morning session for homework. That way, I've got her full and focused attention. She's so much better at staying with it in the mornings. So, if you have to do homework in the afternoons on Monday, why not do a morning workout on Mondays and afternoon workouts every other day. Good point.

I could blame it on my hubby who works crazy hours but when he doesn't, chooses his free time to work out. Then, I have to get dinner ready, bath the kids and then get them ready for story time and bed. Some nights, all the Babe wants is Ramen Noodles and Indy could live on pretzels and lunch meat for the rest of her life. Call that dinner some nights and do your workout. Or, cook enough one night to have enough leftovers for a day or two later. Good point.

I've got to change my thinking! Here it is all italicized and pretty, now I just gotta do it.


Dee said...

well, it's nice you can work it out in writing. It's nice to have guidelines even if it doesn't always work out that way.

Miss Construed... said...

What do people get to eat on 1200 calories a day?

I'm guessing the McDonalds I had for lunch blew that out of the water; just for a start! Never mind breakfast lunch and snacks...

Enchantress said...

gc - I agree, but I was hoping the "working it out in writing" would make a difference. It sort of did, but not in the way I expected.

rn_buffoon - well, it's more like 1350 and you'd be surprised! I can splurge on the fast food, I just have to be sort of picky about which ones. I can't have three double cheeseburgers, but a regular cheeseburger and small fries is okay. I have more choices from the Wendy's menu, so we go there for splurges a lot...and, of course, I loose my mind on Chinese. Yum!