Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Back from Vacation

I've been back since Sunday, but it's been hard getting back into the rhythm of things, which also includes my attempts at exercising. I had started off well before I left, getting in a walk here or there or doing a workout video. It was a good habit in progress and then...vacation. Vacation to the south which equals to lots and lots of double-dipped, super fried craziness. I didn't go as overboard as I thought but it's still damage to work off.

Hubby and I missed each other during the five day hiatus, but we survived as did my eldest daughter (I took Indy with me. Hey, it's only a few more months before she's too old to fly for free. I definitely took advantage). He managed to get homework stuff done and house work. Amazing! She was happy to have her mom back and I was happy to see her, when I returned.

The trip was very nostalgic for me. I saw my sorority sisters, my best friend from high school, my best friend from college, my father and his wife and all the places I grew up going to and loving. Indy didn't do so well, intestinally that is. She was runny most of the trip. Hubby believes it had to do with the altitude change. That may be, but I also think the difference in food and it's preparation was major. We ate things she's never had before and I'm sure her stomach was rebelling.

As for seeing all my friends, it really made me miss those connections. At times, I thought I was intruding in the normal activities of their lives but it turns out, they never get together. Only a few miles apart, and no lunches, play dates or dinners to be had. Would that be different for me if I was there. I kind of think it would. I miss them tremendously, but I have no plans of ever moving back there.

The city had changed some, but not much. When I went back to my college town, I saw more changes there than anywhere. The street was heavily congested when I left but going back? It was terrible! They've built tons of new restaurants and stores on the major drag and there's just not enough room for everything and daily traffic. They're going to have to do something soon, if the population keeps growing (which it will). So much for the quaint, little college town I remember.

I'll be working out momentarily. I realized that my waist line is really struggling from the C-section I had. It's been hard getting that area toned up so, it's back to the Firm for me and perhaps a bit of Jane Fonda (I know it's dated, but I love her workouts!).


Dee said...

hey, some of those old workouts are tried and true. Some people swear by Billy Blanks and while it is dated--the burn will get you good.

re missing
don't they say absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Enchantress said...

You know, there are so many people that love him, but he annoys the hell out of me. I think it's because he constantly stops to encourage. I guess that's fine for some people, but it's more encouraging to see the instructor struggling and sweating as much as I am. ;)

It's so true! He's been insatiable ever since. It's been so nice.