Tuesday, May 30, 2006

An Up and Down Weekend

Friday was the beginning of a long weekend for most Americans, including myself. I began mine by working from home and finishing up around 1pm. Oh, how I'm going to miss that - I'm back to everyday at the office next week. It makes me so sad. Then, I picked up the babe, ran some errands, came home and helped hubby get the basement ready for our guests (my coworker "C's" husband used to be a contractor). They were coming over to help hubby learn how to put in the trim...well, he was. She was along for the ride and our company. It turned out to be a nice evening. The pizza and beer were plentiful (although the beer was for her husband only...hubby and I don't touch the stuff) and we all had a really great time until...blakkkk. Enchantress see's her pizza and most of her margarita for the second time.

It was awful! I haven't been that nauseated since I was pregnant with my first child. The mouth was watering, the stomach was contracting and churning something awful. It was gruesome and continued through the night. The next day, it was coming out of the other end. Yeah, I know. Real nice, Enchantress. I didn't eat much and, consequently, that Sunday I looked rather good standing in the mirror in my skivies. Oh, what puking and dehydration will do to a body. Gratefully, I don't enjoy this pattern and could never be a true bulimic. My sides were so sore just from the couple times of vomiting from the night before. I can't imagine doing this on the regular.

By Sunday, I was feeling much better and could eat without feeling like it was my death sentence. We went to church, then home, then "happy" times with hubby, then a nap, then off to my mother's for BBQ. Well, it would have been BBQ if the weather had cooperated. Instead, she baked Cajun salmon and sirloin, boiled corn on the cob and simmered baked beans. It was all good. Then, we watched Anchorman, while my sister pouted upstairs. She makes me so crazy! You're a grown-ass woman, now. Get over yourself, would you?

Monday was filled with rest, relaxation and many, many Orange, Cranberry Vodka breezes. I did the babe's hair (sans extensions), gave the baby a bathe and we all turned in (and a little more "happy" time with hubby). And little Indy? Up at 5:00am. Oh, man...I am so digging this!


Dee said...

what's wrong with your sister?

Well, glad to hear you're feeling better even if you have to be at work all the time now. Hey, maybe that's why you got sick--your body's last ditch attempt to have a bit more time from the workplace.

Miss Construed... said...

I haven't been that nauseated since I was pregnant with my first child.."

Sure you're not again???
LOL- hope you're feeling better now.

Enchantress said...

Haha! Only if it's an immaculate conception. :-) Hubby got the "snip, snip" shortly after I had the baby so, no more buns from this oven. Thanks for the well wishes, guys. I'm feeling better and maybe you're right, God's child, I hadn't even thought of that.