Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Schedule Thing, Again

Hubby's either makes me sad or pisses me off. I can't find a happy medium with either negative emotion. I guess that's sort of an oxymoron; happy, negative? Well, it just sucks. The graveyard thing throws everything time, intimacy time, chat time, intimacy time, playtime with the kids, and did I mention intimacy time? What a joke! No one should be expected to work during the hours you sleep. Can't the prisoners just book themselves in? Where's the automation for his job, I ask you?

We talk, and it's the roommate thing again. His weekend off is this weekend, and he's got all this weird overtime scheduled. I don't even know when we'll see each other. My oldest is having a carnival at her school on Friday, so I guess I'll pass the time away by taking my girls there. Saturday? No plans. I'll probably do her hair. It's looking like cats fought in it, right about now. Time to put the braids back in.

Speaking of braids, I think I'm done with mine for the warm months. It feels like I'm wearing a dang shawl on my shoulders and I've cut it as much as I can, without it looking strange. I also don't want to have to wash braids everyday with the way I'm working out, now (see my other blog). So, mid-May was when I was going to get them redone. Now, I think I'll just get my perm/relaxer back and wear my ponies and such again for a while. It should be really healthy and long, seeing that I haven't had any sort of chemical on it for a year. I'm anxious to see it in it's relaxed state.

Other than my hubby's sucky schedule, things have calmed down a lot with me. The agency here reviewing us gave us gold stars galore and are on flights home by now. I've finished a huge document I was working on for our IT guys (redesigning a system...something I've never done before, but am having fun doing) and tonight is my daughter's year-end assessment with her teacher. I hope that goes well. She's had trouble keeping her numbers facing the right direction. She can do it, if prompted to but on the initial, she makes her 2's, 5's, 4's and sometimes 3's backwards. We're steadily working on it. All in all, I really can't complain (but I'll probably keep whining about the mate's shift till it changes (hopefully) in August).

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