Monday, August 29, 2005

Pocatello, Idaho Retreat

My hubby came back from Idaho, yesterday. I missed him so much, even though it was only two days. This was his "personal discovery" retreat...a necessary diversion, in order for him to find time away and think clearly about his life and our lives together. He wasn't supposed to call, except to let me know he had gotten there safely, but he had a hard time and (I must admit) I was having a hard time without him. To hear from him was a joy and he had not been able to sleep until we talked. We spoke to each other early Saturday morning and late Saturday evening. Then, he called me on his drive home Sunday. This is a total famine of calls, where my husband is concerned.

I've only been to "potato country" once and that was just to buy a lottery ticket. We went to Malad, Idaho where there was absolutely nothing worth seeing. I was so ready to come home that I didn't think I'd ever step foot in the state again. Hubby, on the other hand, saw a different area and thought it to be tranquil, peaceful and beautiful. He raved about the Idaho State University campus and the surrounding areas. He said, "It's a typical college town and the people are so laid back." Sounds a bit like us, but I still need convincing. He also went on about the cost of housing and how, if we moved there, I could take a year off to be with the kids (if I wanted to). He also said to this, "I believe a year is about all you could stand, honey." Lord knows he's right about that! Especially since I wouldn't know anyone and it would be me, a five year-old and a newborn hanging out. I need adult stimulation on a regular basis...I'm only so maternal! Anyway, he was gone from Friday afternoon to 11ish Sunday morning and he said that he was truly ready to come home.

We talked and talked and talked and he seems much more clear headed than before he left. I'm really proud of him taking a stand to work on the foundation of our relationship. He seems more open and fluid. I'm very optimistic.

Tomorrow, we're having a "Grazing Pot-luck" here at work. This just means you bring your dish in and work on it all day long. I'm going to blow up like a Macey's Day float if I'm not careful. These folks love to eat around here. I, of course, am not helping the situation by bringing my all-famous, Chocolate Kahlua cake (which I can't eat...too sweet). Wednesday, I'm taking off for my orientation with my daughter's teacher (omigosh!), my ultrasound and our dentists appointments. I'm sure this technician will say I'm having a girl too, but wouldn't it be crazy if she sees something different? I keep running that scenario through my mind. We've been milling over girl names for the past week and to all of a sudden have to detour would be weird. I'm sure the first ultrasound was accurate, but what if...

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