Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Rumbling Tummy

It's been doing it ever since I woke up this morning. I just ate breakfast, so hopefully it will settle down in a few minutes. It's weird! It's never felt like this before. Kinda gassy, but kinda pukey at the same time. I've been eating a pasta salad with mystery contents, so perhaps that's why my stomach is rebelling. That should be long gone by now, but who knows.

I just discovered that I still do not have my registration tags yet for my car. I renewed back in April and got the little temporary deal, but never got my tags. Too weird! I'll be calling them today. I've been getting tailed lately and I couldn't figure out why (besides the obvious). But, this is definitely much more than normal. So, at lunch yesterday, I walked out to my car and saw that my sticker still says "4/05". Not good. The temporary thing expired on 4/30. How'd I miss that? Well, vacation was coming up and all kinds of weirdness like missing my period and stuff. It's no wonder I didn't think about it again. I just new I had paid like I do every year. I hope they don't give me grief about it.

[brief pause]

Oh, great! I just called a student who was asleep. I thought she was Eastern time, but maybe she gets a late start. Boy, do I feel bad. Luckily, she wasn't grumpy. She could have cussed me out and I totally would have deserved it. Yikes!

Next Monday is an observed Utah holiday. Normally, it's a work day but, I'm going to have to take off because the babe's daycare is closed. Dad has to work, my mother has to work, everyone I know has to work. I asked if I could work from home, but my boss didn't seem to keen on that. He just said take the day and enjoy! So, I guess I will. It will be a nice little break, but I hope it doesn't hurt my maternity leave. I don't think it will.

Other than that, nothing exciting happening. Still getting round. Again, I hope my belly settles. It seems to be feeling better already. No more mystery pasta salad for me.

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