Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Back Woes

My hubby purchased me a Dr. Scholl's back cushion that worked beautifully this weekend in his car (cigarette lighter adapter), but didn't come with a regular AC adapter. So today, I made a pit-stop to Wally world and picked up an adapter. I got to work, plug in all the necessary plugs and tips and what happens? Absolutely nothing. What a bummer! I was really looking forward to using it, since now my back is starting to twinge like crazy (pregnant/baby stuff, yah know). Anyway, I wanted to be vibrating to happiness today, but no such luck. Looks like I'm going to have to go to Best Buy or Circuit City and buy a $30.00 adapter, just to get this sucker working.

Last night, we watched Constantine. We had wanted to see it at the movie theaters, but missed it. I thought (never having read the comics) that it was a very entertaining and dark film and I hope that they continue with the franchise. It reminded me, in some ways, of Prophesy, Christopher Walken. They run in the same vein, as far as being stories about God's chosen and how they effect the regular and spiritual world.

It's Wednesday and I'm glad the week isn't dragging by like last week. A nice treat is that I'll be doing the "lunch thing" for the remainder of the week. Lunch at my favorite Chinese restaurant today, a lunch meeting tomorrow and lunch at my second favorite Chinese restaurant on Friday. Cool! I'm going to turn into Chinese chicken, I just know it!

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