Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pioneer Day is a
holiday celebrated on July 24 in the U.S. state of Utah, with some celebrations in regions of surrounding states originally settled by Mormon pioneers. It commemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon Pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, where the Latter-day Saints settled after being forced from Nauvoo, Illinois and other locations in the Eastern United States. Parades, fireworks, rodeos and other festivities help commemorate the event.

In addition to being an official holiday in Utah, Pioneer Day is considered a special occasion by many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On Pioneer Day, some Latter-day Saints walk portions of the Mormon Trail or reenact entering the Salt Lake Valley by handcart. Even Latter-day Saints outside of the US occasionally sing Mormon folk music around July 24 in remembrance of the pioneer era.

We are not Mormon, so we do not do the parades and such on this holiday; however, we had no problem shooting off loads of fireworks last night. It was big fun at my house! The weather was perfect (around 80) with a strong wind (which made lighting the fireworks somewhat difficult), but the show was terrific. I watched my husband and brother-in-law light and run for about an hour. My daughter had a blast and was thoroughly exhausted this morning, when I tried to wake her for school, "No mommy. I don't wanna go to school," sound familiar?

Saturday, we went to see Charley and the Chocolate Factory. I liked it and thought it had it's own, unique charm. Johnny Depp was great and, like any Tim Burton film, there was a darkness and sadness to this one as his others, which didn't take away from its charm. The babe loved it, but had nightmares that night as a result of some of the imagery. I tell yah, a kid's imagination.

Hubby is preparing for another body building show. He's preparing, but I don't know if he'll actually do it. He always weenies out of it and I'm not sure why. He'll train and train and then he'll say,"Oh, I've got so much going on," or "I'm not cut enough," or "I don't think I'll make the weight category I want." Why all the excuses? Beats me. It's not like he doesn't have the confidence and it's not like he can't do it, and it's not like he hasn't won before. I think he expects so much of himself, then feels like not participating is easier to deal with then letting himself down. He's afraid to take the chance, even with all the support from family and friends. I hope he doesn't weenie out this time. I've threatened to mail in the paper work with a forged signature if he doesn't get his act together and just do it. He lives for fitness...it's his dream! I want him to go for it and I know that he can. If you had the opportunity to embrace your dreams, wouldn't you do it?

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