Wednesday, June 30, 2010

T.V. Movies - Those were the days...

Hulu is definitely a treasure-trove of hidden jewels. Sometimes, you can find the most funny, interesting and terrifying clips and movies by just one simple search. I have been unfortunate enough to stumble upon "crap on a stick" too. Thank goodness for the comments people share.

One of the things that I've rediscovered are really well-produced t.v. movies. Remember the late 70s and 80s when you would beg your mother to stay up late so that you could finish that great movie being show on t.v.? I'm not talking about cable, I'm talking your basic, local channels. Okay, maybe that was just me. I remember missing the last part of Lace when I was in Elementary school and everyone was talking about it the next day. I hated not being a part of the discussion, only the person who go to hear what happened because her mother put her to bed too early.

T.V. movies were slowly replaced by reality t.v. and it's not a replacement I was happy to see by any stretch of the imagination. True. Some of the shows are amusing, but many are regurgitated written-behind-the-scenes stories meant to lure us in with whatever will keep us watching (bring on the trash!).

So, if you're looking for old Lifetime favorites or perhaps late-night flicks that came on when you were child (and had to go to bed), check out Hulu. You may very well find what you're looking for.


Icey said...

I will have to add Hulu to my must see list of blogs. Sadly I have no time for TV with school and Babe keepingme busy!

I hope you and the family are doing well!

Miss Construed... said...

Lace was one of my favourite books and then telemovies ever!

I rewrote my own version of course...but my book was called starred all of my best girlfriends of the time...though I changed all our names to alias's! Hilarious!

Tasha said...

Ohmygoodness, yes and the movies were always in miniseries format. "The Women of Brewster Place" sticks out in my mind.

Enchantress said...

It's so nice to know that I'm not alone in this! Is it our generation that will bring back quality television...stories that are original and dying to be told? Could be...

Oh, the Women of Brewster place. Good one! Cotton? I love it!! I was a huge fan of The Thorn Birds (I own this one, now) and Deceptions with Stephanie Powers. Ah, those were the days...

Dee said...

It was later on that I was able to find some of those PBS miniseries in the video store. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman comes to mind

except my deal wasn't just the lateness of the hour but also the fact we didn't watch television Friday nights into Saturday evening because we're Adventists. . .
off to hulu I go