Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More Reading

I'm actually quite proud of myself and all the reading I've been doing lately. It wasn't so long ago that I balanced at least 7 novels a week, wrote short stories (while critiquing others) and cranked out weekly papers. Ah, those were the days. The first novel (the one everyone else has already read except me, Twilight), was a quick read. I had it done in about four days. Not bad, considering all of the interruptions. I moved onto New Moon late last week and have almost completed that novel. It's a well done series and I have a feeling I won't be able to keep the Babe out of the loop for much longer. She's intrigued and wants to see the movie with me this December. I guess I'll be re-reading these suckers out loud, before too long.

Speaking of the Babe, she began her Hip-Hop competition class last night. Unfortunately, her teacher wasn't there and she had a sub. After warming up (based on what the Babe told me) the teacher taught them a little dance, then said, "I have no idea what to do with you guys now." So, they played freeze dance and the Babe won a dollar. Okay...things have changed a bit since I was in dance.

When we were driving home, she told me that the teacher said she might have a "solo dance" this year. She wondered what that meant. I explained that it meant dancing alone, at least through part of the class performance. I assured her that she was "good" and didn't need to worry about it. "Besides," I said, "You love to dance." She agreed. I'm a little anxious to see schedules and such, now. I have a feeling my car is going to get quite the workout, traipsing her around to all the competitions and such. I think she's going to love it, but I also think my lazy weekends are going to die soon. So, sad.

We're hiring a replacement for the lady who quit in my department. I'm overly anxious about this, too (I need to chilax, I know). I just want to be sure we get somebody competent, reliable and friendly (with an upbeat spirit). J was/is a nice lady, but she could be a real downer a lot of the time. It sometimes made going into work unpleasant. I have a feeling my coworker feels the same way, but I'd never ask him out right. He's sort of shy and I think I scare him a bit. I'm usually just happy when he comes over to chat.

There's a crisp in the air here, now. We had a storm that dropped our temps from the upper 90s to the high 50's last weekend. Is it really time for fall?! I'm ready for the leaves to change and for the autumn smell to really pick up. It's one of my favorite times of the year. Now, if I can just keep myself from getting sick, I'll be a happy girl.

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