Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Life is Pretty Hectic these Days

We're still fighting with our systems at work (only some things are operational, which makes it crazy difficult to get anything done). On the home front, hubby and I are out of sorts; not arguing so much as just not talking. We got into it on Saturday and by Sunday afternoon, the words were few. Things have been that way ever since. I'm just so tired of fussing about things and then having it turn into a world crisis with him. I'm just trying to stay low key in hopes that the little things don't become monumental again. It's exhausting.

The babe is winding down her school year. When did four weeks away from summer vacation happen? I'm really thrilled about not having to drill on homework once a week, but we are going to do some prep work for third grade. I want her to get a jump on things, since she is usually the youngest in her class and the one most likely to be behind mentally and physically. I've also decided that gymnastics will break and we'll do swim for the summer. I think she'll benefit from one-on-one lessons, rather than the group lessons she has been taking the past few years.

Indy is really making strides with potty-training. She'll sit on the pot for a while now and attempt to wipe herself. She still hasn't actually done anything in the pot, but it will happen. Her teacher has asked me to bring lots of clothes and under pants. She believes we can have her all trained sooner rather than later. I hope so. It would be so great to be done with diapers and pull ups once and for all.

I am doing well on my plan again. After our Washington trip, I put on a couple of pounds and have managed to work them off. I'm motivated to keep going and have a strategy planned for my pre-TOM time (that seems to be when things fall apart).


Miss Construed... said...

It good to catch up with all things Enchanted...

Talk to you soon M


Icey said...

Hope all is well. Just dropping by to let you know I was thinking about you!

Enchantress said...

Hello to you both! I hope you each had a lovely Mother's day. :)