Monday, May 14, 2007

Thinking Blogger (Who, me?)

Thanks, RN_Buffoon, for nominating me for the "Thinking Blogger" award (takes a deep, low-waisted bow). And now, for the instructions:

1. If, and only if, you get chosen, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

Here are the bloggers that amaze and delight me:

Radio Ventriloquist "God's Child" - An amazing lady with her eyes wide open. Her heart and spirit are definitely her flowers. She's adventurous and always discovering something new (I live vicariously through her!) therefore, I visit her site often.
Maintain Sane "Icey" - A mom who's endured so much and still manages to raise herself up higher. She doesn't post as often as she used to, but still worth the read.
The Brutha Code - Another talented writer not afraid to say exactly what's on his mine. I discovered him a couple of years ago (BTW, it doesn't hurt that he's in my brother fraternity)
Yeah...I Said It - A new read for me. A talented writer with a natural gift for comedy. He's not afraid to laugh at himself or you.
Blography of Southern Writer - Astrologer and writer extraordinaire and a heart the size of Texas! I think we were maybe related in a former life.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award.

So, I've finally accepted the award. Now, on to the after party!

4 comments: said...

THank you, Enchantress. I'm honored. I'm lazy, but I'm honored. It will probably take me the rest of the day to pick the five people.

Dee said...

picking people is hard. I might secretly delve into my secret stash of blogs I secretly read.

Enchantress said...

SW - You're so welcome! The picking is hard.

GC - That's exactly what I did!

Miss Construed... said...

Yay! I love a party! *sipping champagne while eating canapes`*

You don't know how happy I was to see you'd accepted the Thinking Blogger's Award; two of my nominees didn't even respond- though I've been reading and commenting on their blogs since Day Blog(the day I discovered blogs) itself!

I'm off to check out your nominees now, Enchantress; I'm sure they are all worthy of the prestige!