Friday, May 04, 2007

I've Got Air, but the Heat is On...

We had a cool down (it should have been called a frost down) the night before last that pulled our 80 degree temps back into the 50s. Crazy! The air conditioner gets all installed and lovely and now we've got the heat back on. I'm okay with it, though. Eighty in April was a bit much and I do love the rain (which we never seem to see enough of here). The clouds hanging low over the mountains like fluffy, white blankets...misting over the city in soft, warm sprays. It was really very pretty to watch. I should take some pictures (dang it! If I only had a flash). I guess digital will do. (the picture to the left is one I found online. It's not Utah, but this is a great representation of what I could see out of my work window, yesterday).

The babe has a "Share and Teach" today at school and she's very excited about it. She'll be making and talking about Guatemalan Worry Dolls. I spent about ten dollars on the supplies, making sure there was enough for everyone to make one while she performed her demonstration. I truly wish I could be there to guide her, but she presented her spiel (including each step) to me last night before bed. She was so good! I have a real orator on my hands! Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling so confident about her dancing rehearsal, last night. She told me, after she got in the car, "I'm not a good dancer," which is totally false because her teachers have both said she's got great rhythm and displays so much natural talent. I told her, "Sometimes we can have an "off" day, where we don't feel like we're doing as well as we'd like." She seemed to understand this, but I reiterated that she was, indeed, a great dancer. Recital time is coming and I think the perfectionist in her has kicked into overdrive.

The weekend is here, but I'm really not feeling it yet. I'll make the cookies with the babe tomorrow and my Baja beans, as I said in an earlier post. I may venture to the mall, since they're having a bunch of drawings and give-a-ways. Got to get in on those. I win stuff! If the weather is a bit kinder, I may take the girls to the park (the babe has asked about going almost everyday this week). She makes a new friend every time we go. Such the social butterfly...


Miss Construed... said...

Ok- you've mentioned them before and now my curiosity has gotten the better of Me...

Please Explain baja beans. As we don't get them here obviously!

Enchantress said...

Oh, it's a recipe (here it is, if you're interested);):

1 can of black beans (drained, rinsed)
1 can of sweet corn (drained, rinsed)
4 small tomatoes (diced)
1/2 cup (120ml)red onion (diced)
2 tablespoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon (2.46ml) salt
1/4 teaspoon (1.2ml) pepper
1 splash of hot sauce (optional)

Stir all of this together and, viola! Baja Beans. You can serve them over hot rice (brown or white). The beans do not need to be heated, unless you want. said...

Hey, EE. I did some scrolling but didn't find a word about Zeus or the tainted pet food problem. Please tell me he made it through okay!

Enchantress said...

Hi, Southern Writer! Yes he did. I posted my reply on your site, but I'll say here to that we were very fortunate. He's okay and all is well. I still hurt for those owners who lost their pets. I hope "they" (whoever "they" are") take care of this situation quickly.

rn_buffon - I forgot! Also, add cilantro...about 1/2 cup (120ml) chopped. That really adds the amazing flavor to this recipe. I can't believe I forgot! :)

Miss Construed... said...

Hi again

Just letting you know I nominated your blog for a Thinking Blog Award- you can see the details over at my Place.

Don't forget to put up your award; just right click the badge and save. I think yours is one of the best blogs out there and it deserves all the recognition and compliments it receives!

:) rn_buffoon

Dee said...

I love that you can see that from your window. Really good reason to live and work in Utah.

re Baja beans--is that what they are called? I love them. I stole the recipe from a cafe I went to once. I don't use hot sauce though--I use finely chopped, seeded jalapeƱos. I serve them cold as a side salad. No tomatoes. I hate tomatoes.