Friday, April 20, 2007

Watch My House Take Shape and Other Ramblings

This weekend is going to be filled with sawing, pounding and shoving into place. No. It's not "Wild things that can be found in my Bedroom" but the possible completion of the tiling in my basement. Hubby is nearly done and there is only the edging in the great room and the tiling in our office that is left to do. After that, I guess we'll haul everything upstairs in our current living room, downstairs into our new living room. I'm actually excited! It will be nice to have the room upstairs made into a nice sitting room. I didn't plan on putting a t.v. in there, but hubby is adamant that we get the t.v. out of our room again.

When we were first dating, he always told me, "The only thing that I want turned on in the bedroom is you or me." That changed soon after the first child arrived. He got it more so for me, so that I wouldn't have to leave the comfort of our room to nurse, feed, change or whatever to the baby. He really only watches the news in our room. Other than that, he's never really enjoyed watching movies on the 32 inch. He'd much rather stretch out on the couch and watch it on the 52 inch instead. Now, he'll get his way again. I guess I'm okay with taking turns, and the reasoning behind it completely makes sense.

So, he and the new neighbors across the street will be working on the basement this weekend. The neighbor down the street will then complete the electrical work he began a couple of years ago. After all of this is complete, we will call the contractor to begin work on our air conditioner. Should be an interesting next few days.

Um, in other news, I'm really randy...rosey...horny. Seems to happen just before old TOM shows up. I'm sitting in my bed wishing hubby was here. He'll be here this evening, but I'm not sure if I'll still be in the mood. Oh, I love my children but I sometimes miss those days when it was just the two of us and we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Now, things seem a bit planned or arranged. Who am I kidding, they are. They have to be! You can't exactly have a nooner or an afternooner on the couch when your six year old is home. Oh, well. I hope to get something in today. Wish me luck (I'll be wishing it back to you).

Oh! The weight loss is going pretty well. I'm getting excited about meeting my next goal: a new outfit or a fetching piece of jewelry. Don't know yet which it will be. Hubby just purchased a slew of new skirts for me for our anniversary, so I'm really not lacking in the clothes arena. Equally, I couldn't begin to find another place to house a new piece of jewelry but you know, there's always room for shoes. (wink, wink)


Dee said...

but hubby is adamant that we get the t.v. out of our room again.

hear hear

happy building!
and happy shoe shopping.
I am trying to find a pair of 6M black pumps for a friend outside the country. Apparently nobody designed any this year. Impossible!

Enchantress said...

Wow! Your friend has petite feet (in my dreams!). Have you checked eBay, Baker's Shoes, Cutsey Shoes? I don't know how basic or extravagant your friend wants, but one of these places may have something.