Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Central Air

Finally, finally, finally we are getting central air conditioning for our home. Now, for those of you who do not live in dry climates where swamp coolers don the roofs for thousands of homes, than you do not understand how grand this change really is for us. For those who live in humid climates and would die if the air was off for even one solitary minute during the summer, you've probably got a good idea of how happy I am.

Our home was built in 1994, but the previous owners (they also built the house) brought their swamp cooler with them from who knows where (and who knows how old it was when they brought it). We bought the home in 2001 with very little wear and tear to the home. One of our musts in buying a home was central air, a rarity at the time in these parts, but still something we wanted. We were willing to overlook that fact with this home since it boasted so many of the things we wanted and the cooler was more than adequate for our needs. It did very nicely for about three years. We should have known that the year it blew it's coolest was the year it would conk out. When it died, it died hard and during record breaking, triple-digit temps. We were miserable, but somehow made it through with lots of fans and my mother's portable air conditioner.

Last year (I think it was last year, anyway) a neighbor who does electrical contracting, brought over a swamp cooler that a new home owner did not want. He was getting central air (lucky bugger). The cooler was hoisted onto our roof and installed, but it never performed quite well. We spent another summer wearing little and cranking the ceiling fans as fast as they would fly. We decided then and there, after taxes? We were getting our central air.

Contractor after contractor has been over to walk around our home and give us estimates for central air. Most have been within the same price range but we were blown away by one company who charged nearly double of what everyone else charged. When he asked my hubby the other rates we received and heard how much lower they were, his response was: "Well, we've been in business for nearly twenty years." Sorry, Charlie. That's no reason to rip your customers a new one.

We've had to educate ourselves on models, sizes and options. It's been interesting, to say the least but we've narrowed it down and I'm really happy. It's been manic weather again...70 one day, 38 the next but once it calms down and those triple digits appear for 2007, we'll be ready. I just hope that once it's in, it's in and doesn't break-down or do anything weird. I know maintenance is something we'll always need to do and we did that with our cooler, I just want a comfortable summer...and maybe, just maybe we'll have one this year.


Miss Construed... said...

Cool...literally lol

I love hot days!

Jim Knight said...

Great information! The central Air is so, useful.