Friday, April 27, 2007

I Have One Great Kid

A little over a year ago, we were fretting about what to do with my oldest (the Babe) and her behavior issues. They weren't really issues as much as it was maturity (or lack thereof) that we were dealing with. She is a kid who's birthday falls just before school starts so, when she started Kindergarten in August of 2005, her mental capacity was still very much that of a four year-old. At any rate, it had us frustrated and often times in tears over what would become of her. She was asked to leave her elementary school in Salt Lake...the very one that I bent over backwards to get her in, just so she would be close by in case of emergencies. She was acting out in class, causing issues with the other children, leaving the classroom without permission, refusing to cooperate. The list goes on and on. Then, we had to figure out how to get her to and from school on that wacky half-day schedule, thirty miles away from where we were. It was really tough, but we got through it. By God, we got through it!

For the past few days, she's been coming home with these behavior rewards and recently participated in a behavior party, held for the children with the best behavior in the school. She's been a stellar kid this term and it's been a true miracle, watching her mature into a really great kid. This morning in the car, she informed me that one of her friends received a reprimand and then proceeded to throw the notice in the garbage can. The Babe informed her that it wasn't just for her to know what she'd done wrong, but that she needed to take it home to her parents. Talk about virtuous and noble! I'm so proud. Somebody pass me a tissue!

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