Friday, June 23, 2006

Writing, Writing, Writing

I've been around and able to post, but I've directed my writing to a new short-story I'm working on. It was kind of hubby's idea. We were talking about our dreams and what we would do if we could do whatever we wanted. I told him that, if all my needs were met, I would just write and write and write. Day in and day out, I would write to my heart's content.

"Why don't you," he says.

"Because there isn't any time, honey. No time. No time. Work, kids, kid-activities, cooking, laundry...all that."

"Honey, you blog, don't you?"


"So, you have enough time to do that...I'm just saying. We say, 'if only' all the time and pretty soon the 'if only' is ten years later. You know, we're not getting any younger and there's no time like right now."

Point taken. So, what did I do? I jotted down an outline for a story I've had brewing a bit and just started writing. It's been coming pretty freely and I'm actually quite happy with it...for now. The problem comes when I start proofreading and second guessing my ideas. I just need to write and keep going and then have him look it over. Also, I was digging around in my email and found a contest for a children's story that's currently running. My girlfriend has a husband who is an amazing artist and has illustrated for previous books. She told me that whenever I wrote a children's story, he'd do the artwork for me. Man, I guess my chances are staring me right in the face. I just need to embrace the opportunities. So, if I'm in and out sporadically, that's why. I've not dropped off the face of the Earth and I'm still reading and commenting on your blogs (of which I totally love and am devoted to).

The children's story is actually from the mind of a friend, whose childhood fear I realized into a story. Once I find it (yeah, it's somewhere on my desktop, dang it) and clean it up, I'm all about having my friend's hubby draw up pictures. I would ask my own hubby to do it (he's got mad art skills, too) but he's very bashful of them. My friend's old man is all about the drawing. I'm getting excited! Who knows what could happen.


Dee said...

Yay! Writing!
Well you've been missed but glad to know you're feeding your creativity.

Miss Construed... said...

And so you should love us!

When you are a published author who do you think will be buying Your book? As long as it's published under your pseudonym we'll have no problem finding it...

Go for it!!

Enchantress said...

Thanks to you both for the encouragement! I found the outline for the children's story and will start that this week. I've asked my girlfriedn about her hubby doing the illustrations and she said he'd be "all over it." I can't wait to see what he comes up with.

You know, I may actually have to "reveal" myself to you guys, if it ever does go to print. I can't imagine mothers running to the store buying their kids books written by "Enchantress". (LOL) Who knows, though...stranger things have happened.

Miss Construed... said...

Or- failing that-you could advertise your book for sale on your website and when we order it we will still have no idea who the real authoress is...

Enchantress;sounds to me like the writer of a well written girly/fairy story. There is a wishing well and a princess.

Now go make a fortune!

Miss Construed... said...

O my god- silly me just left a comment for you on my blog and said something like- oh I didn't know you were a mum! Which of course I did! Was just having one of those moments!

Icey said...

Yaaaaay for you!
How exciting that you are making time for your dreams!! You deserve it! Rock on!

Enchantress said...

rn_buffoon - Sounds like a great story in the making...perhaps you'll write the fairy story and I'll write about the princess. Then, in an awesome collaboration, the two are brought together and magic is made! I'm all for it! (no worries...I have my moments too, for sure.) :-)

Icey - Thanks so much! I hope they do. How would it be to have a book party with all of the wonderful people who's blogs I read and gain so much insight and inspiration from? Champagne's on me!!