Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Talk to me, Baby

I spent 3 hours on the phone with my husband last night. Three! I can't believe it. We talked and talked and talked until I finally had to say, "It's midnight, honey and I have work tomorrow." It still took another fifteen minutes to say goodbye (we are so pitiful!). Only two more nights like this, then he'll be home. I really miss him and he obviously misses me.

I started to think about what attracts people to certain people. We have to begin with looks because, you can't very well through your brain on a table and tell someone you're interested in, "Investigate this and get back to me when you're done. Should we hook up?" Nope. It's all about the face and the body for the first impression. When I was in college, I was petite but curvy. I'm mostly muscle (not gross muscle, the tone kind) so, I could carry around 145 and it appeared to be 125 on me. I have been very fortunate in that respect my entire life. Of course, my hubby was hooked by the curves and the chest (he's a breast man), but also the fact that I was the center of the crowd. I suppose that's the closest thing to my brain-on-the-table theory as you can get. My personality came through, just with that one, brief situation.

For me, it was his damn hot body and the way he ate ice cream and fruit. Seriously! It was like someone crafting something. He had it down to an art form! Later I learned that the ice cream and fruit were his "practice pieces". Amazing! (It's good to be the fruit). Now, of course, I know him better than anyone and vice versa. The nice thing is that we're still discovering things about each other and I suspect that's what keeps the marriage from getting bland. When we were getting his oil changed Sunday, the tech guy says, "You two sound like an old, married couple." Then, I said, "Eight years coming up." Damn. Eight was weird hearing it out loud. My hubby gave me a look that told me he was thinking the same thing.

With the stats the way that they are now and people divorcing at the speed of light, I feel really lucky to have my hubby and the time we've invested together. I hope we can beat the stats and prove that our society hasn't just given up on committed relationships. Who really knows what the future holds but, that is what I wish for.

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