Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Little Sleep, but Okay

Yesterday, I had a well-mommy visit with my ObGyn and hubby went with me. When we arrived, my nurse nearly flipped, yelling, "The other half! The other half! We never see the other half!" I guess mommies-to-be rarely come with their significant others. Hubby has wanted to join me for every visit, but hasn't been able to. I think he was a bit embarrassed by all the attention, but glad he could come. The doctor even seemed pleased to see him.

The doc broke out with the tape measure to measure the belly this time...a sure sign that I am on my way. The heart beat was right there with no searching on the doctor's part. My next visit will involve a "cheat" gestational diabetes test. I was thrilled to hear that he doesn't do the "yucky soda" version. That stuff is horrible! Instead, he has you schedule the visit just after you eat, then takes your blood to test the sugar levels. Sounds good to me! Anything to avoid that gross stuff. (For those who don't know, the sugar test usually involves one drinking an orange "soda" of sorts that's extra sweet. Now, normally, extra sweet doesn't bother me, but this stuff is in a class all by itself. It's horrible! You drink it at the speed of light, then wait a half hour for it to hit your bloodstream. After sitting there with that terrible taste in your mouth, you go in and get your blood drawn. Many a mommy has said they've thrown up from that stuff. I came close, but managed to hold it down).

Afterwards, hubby went to Michaels, of all places, to pick up Halloween decorations for the house. We then went to Target for more stuff, then to Mickey D's to pick up dinner. I don't know what those cheeseburgers did, but at 1:00am I was up and in the bathroom. After that, I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I went downstairs and uploaded some pictures online and downloaded new music to my mp3 player. Time well spent, I'd say. (I could have done something productive like organize the file cabinets or something. Yeah, right).

I stayed up and turned off my alarm before it woke up the babe, then got ready for work. It was freakin freezing in our house this morning, now that the temps have decided to drop down into the 30's at night. Hubby said, initially, that he'd wait until after his trip to Vegas to winterize the swamp cooler. Now, he's saying he'll do it before he goes (perhaps, this Saturday). Thank God! I had an extra blanket on the bed and a space heater in the babe's room. Her room was the warmest room in the house, by far! It didn't get cold gradually, but the cold came as a fast drop in temps when a storm blew through yesterday. The mountains are now dusted in snow. It's very pretty and I do like the fall crispness, but I just wish it wasn't so "crip".

Tonight is dance night and the balcony is closed, so I guess I'll take a book to read while I wait for the babe to finish. She really likes it and I'm glad we found one that she likes and is comfortable with. I noticed last week that she was show-boating for the teacher and put herself front and center. The only chocolate child - front and center. I wonder if that's where she'll be during the recital? Oh, recitals. I love recitals. Hers will be in December and, if I'm lucky, they won't have to roll me down the row to my seat just to see her.

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