Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tagged by "God's Child" - Six Things Survey

Browsing through the blog world, I saw this on a site and thought I'd partipcipate. Here goes!

6 Things Survey (I love these):

Things I want to Do:
1. Learn to play the guitar...well.
2. Finish learning Italian (and maybe Spanish too)
3. Have enough money to buy my hubby and little ones something extravagant and not feel guilty for doing it.
4. Have enough money to buy msyelf something extravagant and not feel guilty for doing it.
5. Travel outside of the country
6. Work somewhere that I totally love and could do for the rest of my life.

6 Things I Can Do:
1. Play the violin...well.
2. Charm the pants off anyone!
3. Bake the most amazing Kahlua cake you ever tasted, even me (and I hate chocolate cake).
4. Swim
5. Make people feel at ease in even the worst situations.
6. Remember by imprinting (when I'm not pregnant, my memory is amazing).

6 Things I Can't Do:
1. Be in small spaces for too long (I'm a touch claustrophobic)
2. Blatantly lie (It's just easier to be honest). Besides, I'm no good at lying. Never have been.
3. Let go of all the past BS that has intruded on me and my hubby's intimacy (I had one boyfriend who really screwed with my mind) I'm doing a lot better in my old age.
4. I can't go back to the south...I just can't do it.
5. Be purposefully hurtful. I have friends who have no problem telling people like it is, despite the person's feelings. I just always think of how I would want to be told things (but I am, by no means, a wuss).
6. force myself to be kind to hateful people. I just try to avoid them entirely.

6 Things That Make Me Attractive To The Opposite Sex:
1. My bodacious tatas (even after the reduction, I'm still a force to be reckoned with at 34 D).
2. Coke-bottle/Hour-glass body (when I'm not pregnant, that is)
3. Sex appeal (I'm no raving beauty, but I've got that in spades)
4. Happy disposition
5. My acceptance of me ( the men I have been with and have known have always appreciated that I'm comfortable with me and don't feel a need to conform).
6. Still cute, despite no make-up (I leave the war paint for special occassions, only).

6 Things I Say All The Time:
1. What the crap?
2. Freakin' (as in, "He's a freakin' moron")
3. What the hell?
4. Holy cow! (I attribute this to living in Utah far too long)
5. Trifling
6. "You just earned yourself a Jackass award!" (I usually say this to the idiots that cut me off or do something generally stupid on the road, which is pretty much daily)

6 Celebrity Crushes (in no particular order):
1. Wesley Snipes
2. Mickey Rourke (circa 91/2 Weeks and Wild Orchid)
3. Bruce Willis (I know, he's old enough to possibly be my parent, but I just love the way he smiles that crooked smile of his)
4. Vin Diesel (he's not cute in the traditional since, but he has that "something")
5. Dwayne Johnson (better known as "The Rock")
6. Christian Bale (even before Batman, I thought he was hot)

6 People I'm Tagging:
1. You
2. and
3. anyone
4. who
5. will
6. answer


Dee said...

I am so behind. I commented on your other blog, congratulating you and wishing away morning sickness, only to find you have already given birth and so on. Gosh. I ought to pay closer attention. Anyway, thanks for stopping by.

Enchantress said...

LOL! It's no problem. Actually, I'm still in the "family way" and will be until sometime in January. You too! I check your posts weekly, so I'll keep the comments coming. Thanks!