My hubby will be home all day tomorrow, then he's going to a party with the boys tomorrow night. I think he's feeling guilty about going because he keeps talking to me about it and asking me about the things they'll be doing there. Personally, I'm not interested in a bunch of guys getting sloppy, nasty drunk - telling each other, "Hey, man, I bet you can't drink three shots of Jager?" or whatever it is they dare each other to do. He hasn't been out with the guys in a while and I'm happy he has this opportunity for release, but I'm also a little paranoid. With everything that we've been dealing with, the paranoia is going to be there and he knows this. I just hope he remembers what thin waters we're on and he keeps his sanity during his partying. We'll see.
I'll probably hang out with my little one in the evening, maybe find a fall project or something to do with her, so she's not bored. I'm not very maternal, when it comes to things like that. She usually gets stuck doing things with me that I like to do but, she doesn't really seem to mind. Maybe that's her maturity. She even sat up and watched a t.v. show I was watching last night with no complaints. Perhaps it's also the fact that she's spending time with me.
Today, I felt a bit of a foot as I rested my hand on my belly this morning. It was so weird and special. I thought about what the baby was doing, her happiness level in a place so warm and peaceful. I also thought about how she'll look, when she finally blesses us with her presence. When I first saw my eldest, it was magical. I remember thinking, "Man, this kid is her daddy's through and through." She was so, so dark and her expressions were like his but there was no mistaking those eyes. Those were mine. She was absolutely breathtaking, and no one could tell me differently. She had a cone head for about two weeks, but nothing so bad as some of the newborns I've seen. This baby should be just as lovely...I hope. January seems so close and so far.
(How's this for sleeping so hard you don't know what's going on: my hubby came home last night at around 2 am and crashed. At fifteen to 5am, I woke him up (or so I thought), bringing him to the heights of passion. He fell asleep shortly thereafter and I assumed he would remember what happened. When I talked to him later today, he had no recollection...none whatsoever! He said it must have been like having a wet-dream or something and assured me it was no reflection on me...hmm...I don't know about that, but I always remember an orgasm.)