Friday, August 08, 2008

My Zombie Girl

The babe (my oldest) was complaining of illness this past Saturday. We ended up seeing the Mummy 3 and she was absent for most of the movie. She had stomach angst and overall, just felt crummy. She also had a low-grade fever that carried over into Sunday. We stayed for our first church service, then had to leave right after (she cried the latter part of the service because she just felt so bad). Through the week, the low-grade fever remained but she had periods of wellness, so I just assumed a small bug. Wednesday, we ended up at after-hours care...two hours later, some X-rays and a hungry toddler later, we left with little more knowledge than when we came in.

The babe has also lost four pounds (from where?!) and is extremely weak. She really hasn't eaten anything since last Friday and it's just breaking my heart, watching her drag herself from place to place...not wanting to do anything (and with her birthday only a week away!) Poor kid. The doctors at the after-hours place do the best they can, but I'm calling her pediatrician this morning and getting an appointment, post-haste! I would have earlier, but her doctor is 30+ miles away. My mom was like, "It may be time to change doctors," but I'm sure you all know what that's like.
She's got to have something more than a, "it's probably a virus so, drink more liquids and "eat lots of Popsicles" response. It's been nearly seven days! I told my hubby last night that when I had my bronchitis a month ago, the doctor told me he thought it was a virus. Still, he prescribed low-dose antibiotics because I'm sure he knew it would help boost my immunity. I felt better a half hour after the first dose. I'm praying her doctor (or the team at her clinic) will do the same. I just hate seeing her like this!

On the work front, my co-worker has turned in her resignation and it couldn't happen at a more inopportune time. Our schedule usually picks up mid August, then we get slammed in September. There's no way we're going to find someone to replace her and train before the rush. My other coworker doesn't' do all of the things that I do, which will make this even more interesting. I'm glad for her that she's doing something she needs to do, to get herself well (but it really sucks for us). I just hope the rest of the world can be somewhat patient with us while we compensate for the missing body. I told my boss to hire during the summer. I really wish he'd taken my advice on that point.


Tasha said...

Awww I hope she gets to feeling better soon. It's always the worst to be sick in the summer time!

Dee said...

Hi Enchantress
you've been AWOL for a minute. How's your daughter? The rest of the fam?

Enchantress said...

Thanks, Tasha. She's doing loads better, now. :)

I know, I'm totally slackin', GC...but I'll be better now that school will start soon. Less distractions from the babe. ;)