Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ready to Go?

Nope, not in the least. Before I go on a trip, I like for my house to be clean (spotless, if possible). If there's one thing I can't deal with is coming home to a trashed house. My house hasn't seen a mop in weeks and it's getting pretty grungee, especially with the new dog in the house (did I mention that Mastiffs tend to slobber? Fun, slimy times). Besides the floors, the bathrooms are gross, my bedroom is a fright and the basement has dust bunnies that kick up every time someone walks around.

Hubby asked me to try and tidy this morning, but of course we were running behind. The eldest decided to do her sloppiest work for her practice spelling test. Mom wasn't having it, so we started over. She was ticked. Oh, well. No sloppy pants in my house (just a sloppy house, right?)

I haven't even begun to pack. The girls aren't packed either, so that will be priority task one when I get home, since they're leaving for their grandmother's this evening. The other trick is how do we get two, massive dogs into our sedan to transport to the baby sitter's? Hubby thinks everyone will be able to fit, including the dogs. I think he's smoking crack.

The weather this weekend in Salt Lake will be in the 70s. Too bad where we're going, it will be in the 40's in Washington. Rats! I'm still convinced will have a good time, despite the frosty temps. There are quite a few places within walking distance of where we'll be staying. Hubby thought ahead and rented a car which I thoroughly relieved about. Now, we can travel around the city and beyond (without getting rained on). I'm really intrigued because this is one of the places we've thought about moving to in the future. I love the west and embrace it's mentality completely. Utah has been good, but there's a lot my kids can't experience here because of the culture. I'm hoping to get a nice enough "sample" of Washington so that we can make a possible decision for our future.

Right now, I'm eating subway sandwiches from our performance lunch. I did get an oatmeal cookie and half of a chocolate chip cookie. My Fresca is bubbling and all is right with the world.

1 comment:

Dee said...

uh oh
sounds like you need Mary Poppins around there.
Tie rags to the dogs' feet and make them dust for you.