Friday, December 07, 2007

A 300 Pound Man on My Back

Well, not really, but it sure feels that way. The Motrin and I are going to be good friends today. I am certainly reaping what I sowed; pounds and pounds of salt will always make TOM completely unbearable! Why do I cave into those cravings? I've been inhaling salt for two weeks and look at where it's gotten me? Laying in bed wishing I knew where the heating pad was. It's typical of me but I certainly know better. Last month, I managed to exert some self-control and boy did it make a difference. I gotta remember to do better next month. Oh, the agony! Boys don't know how good they've got it.

In other news, my daughter announced to me and the neighbor yesterday that she doesn't like to read. My heart sank. I loved reading (still do, when there's time) and I told her how it kind of hurt my feelings. Well, my extra-super-sensitive kid didn't want to hurt mommy's feelings, so she went to her room in tears. Oh, geeze. So, I explained that books are wonderful and creative. They allow us to use our imagination. She said that she only meant she doesn't like to read hard books. I told her that most things are a bit difficult, at first. Then, you learn how to do them and it's no problem. I reminded her about her Dick and Jane books.

She said, "But those are easy, mom."

"Yes, but they weren't always. There was a time when you couldn't read a single word in one of those books. Remember Kindergarten? Now, you could read those in under a couple of minutes. You're reading chapter books, for heaven's sake!"

She smiled. I hope she understood. She said she didn't mean to hurt my feelings and I told her that sometimes, mommy's get they're feelings hurt; however, I was more concerned about her enjoying to read than my feelings. I really want her to enjoy reading and get the most of out it. I guess I would feel worse if she weren't a very good reader. The fact is, she does a pretty bang-up job (nearly at a fourth-grade level). I plan to do a lot of it with her over the Christmas break. I hope I can change her mind.

Indy has become a clean house's nightmare! This little girl gets into so much stuff, I can barely keep up with her! When the babe was a toddler, she was content to play with her toys in pretty much one place. Oh, she'd spread out a bit but was mainly happy to stay put in one room. Indy will drag stuff everywhere. She also loves shoes, so sometimes we'll find her sister's shoes, my shoes, her daddy's shoes or her own, scattered about the house. This kid loves oven mitts, too. (oven mitts?!) I have to wash them every week. On top of that, she climbs onto everything and we've seen her take more than one fall where our hearts have stopped for a second. We clean and tidy, but it's really no use. We push chairs and stools in for safety and she pulls them out again. I guess I'll have a danger-ridden, pig-sty for a little while.


Icey said...

Feel better! If men had to deal with TOM they would have hysterectomies in record numbers!

Tasha said...

Aww, I hope you feel better. I've been waging my own battle with TOM and I know just how you feel

Enchantress said...

Icey and Tasha - Thankfully, the pain only lasts a day. I was feeling more like myself on Saturday...accept I had to shovel snow. Fun times! :)