Thursday, November 29, 2007

Can I Go Back to Bed, Please?

Tuesday evening, our happy little state got dumped with several inches of snow. Various amounts across the valley, but snow nonetheless. I drove home in wicked traffic, but still managed to get to my house within 20 minutes of my normal time. I was truly amazed! The moisture is just what we need and the snow helped to put a lot of people in the Christmas mood. Unfortunately, our temps have been unusually low in the evenings so the snow on the roads became black ice. Nice. Doughnuts anyone? The commute Wednesday morning had me creeping along perhaps twenty yards in fifteen minutes. I turned around and high-tailed it home. No way was I going to drive two hours into work, only to work two or three hours and turn right back around. I figure I got more done at home anyway.

Last night, I made Lasagna which I've never done before! I turned out really good and I didn't even follow the recipe completely. It called for about six layers, but I could only get two good ones in my casserole dish. I used ground turkey instead of beef and half the Parmesan it called for. I will definitely do it again. The girls loved it! Indy did not have any Dairy Ease all day, so had a fit-full sleep of probably the world's gaseous tummy. It didn't occur to me that this was the issue until almost 11:00 last night. She woke up again around 2:30 this morning. I feel like a zombie! No specialty coffee for me this morning, though. I have a lunch date with a friend and want to my indulging there. Thai food is worth the indulgence. I can't wait!

Hubby in I are somewhat in the thick of it, too. We've been doing well, then when the babe came home last night from dance, she was very upset. She enjoyed class but felt bad about not having enough time with her daddy. I can appreciate that. It's the same battle I fight all the time. Her argument to me, though was that I can stay up latter and talk to daddy. I tried to tell her that we go to bed and I don't have as much time as she thinks, but she wasn't hearing it. She and her dad talked about ways to get more time in.

Now, here's my thing, it took one discussion between those two to figure out a "more time" schedule but when I tried this, we ended up in therapy. Does one have to be related to the man by blood to get that kind of attention? Am I just jealous of my seven-year old? Hubby knew I was mulling over something this morning and I didn't want to talk to him because I kept thinking, "He's going to think I'm insane! Jealous of or daughter?" I don't feel like I'm jealous, but I think that's how it will appear. Or, maybe I am? Who, knows. I just know it has me all in a tizzy and that's not good for someone who's working on around 5 hours of sleep. You'd think I would have gotten some rest yesterday, being at home. It's a total misconception. You work much harder at home than you do in an office. I'm convinced. Because of this, I needed additional sleep last night. Oh, well. Maybe I'll get to nap this weekend. One can hope!


Dee said...

glad you got home safe in that terrible weather. I've already formulated a plan to consistently leave early when the snow starts. I don't need any accidents.

That lasagne sounds divine. I think one day I will try it with tofu and soy cheese. There's one at our supermarket that melts great. I can vouch for the slices but not the shredded.

Icey said...

Yall can have that snow honey!!!

I received a message from you several months ago regarding a nomination and I am not sure if I ever thanked you. If not please accept my apologies for my rudeness. Thank you for thinking enough of me to nominate me for ANYTHING!! I deeply appreciate it!

I really hope you and hubs find some time to love on each other. And really it is possible to be jealous of the kids but you have to put it in perspective: Wouldn't you rather your hubs respond to the babe the way he did instead of dismissing her like she was an annoyance? As painful as it maybe for us big girls to take adult attitudes, imagine what that would do to the babe!

Enchantress said...

God's Child - Good point. I should do the same.

I bet a tofu lasagna would be fabulous! I'd be the only one eating it, though (well, maybe the girls). Hubby doesn't do tofu.

Icey - OMG! I'm so glad you're back! Thanks for stopping by. I hope this means you're writing again. I've missed you!

Good point. It's so easy to be a big baby and whine. I'm going to be a "big girl" and do the right thing. ;)

Amber said...

I'm going to go with icey on this one too. I hope you're feeling better about it after some rest- which it's hard to look at things in a good light without. :D

I hate the snow too. I wouldn't mind it if I could just look at it without having to go anywhere I'd be happy.