Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Return to the Land of the Living

So it was Thursday afternoon that I felt my throat begin to close up a bit. I just thought it might be one of the three off-kilter things I'd had to eat that day. Perhaps my body wasn't ready for those peanuts. The day continued into evening and after some bad news between neighbors, I really started to feel kinda crummy. Into the night...up and down then down and up. Finally, I went for the Braun thermometer and within a few seconds was displayed a whopping 102. What in the world is going on? I was achy and felt like crap on a stick. I called my coworker and told him that I wasn't coming in, but that I wasn't abandoning him either. I would be online as much as I could, through drug-induced naps. My message left? Somewhere in the 1 am hour or so. I was delirious.

I worked, I slept. I worked, I slept. The following day? My hubby moved a new entertainment center in with a neighbor and friend. Then, he moved in some very large workout equipment. I drank apple juice, nibbled on crackers. Food was not a friend to my horribly sore throat. My tummy got crampy and I figured it was made about not getting the food it normally gets. Nope. TOM decided to make an appearance. Doesn't get much better than that.

Sunday, I went into the extended hour care center and discovered that doctor's still go on instinct. My gut was telling me strep. So was the doctor's, despite the negative strip test. "I'm going to get it cultured to be absolutely certain. In the meantime, I'm putting you on amoxicillin." Can we say horse pills boys and girls? Holy moly! My throat ran away in retreat when I put that pill to my lips. One half hour later, I started to feel more like me. I decided right then and there that I had strep.

That's twice in one year, folks. What the heck? Not cool. Not cool at all. I'm getting so healthy. What's the deal? Germs don't care if you're in super-duper health, apparently. They only want to invade a body...any body. Well, that's alright. I got my super, mongo antibiotics. I got my water in the 2.3 liter jug. I got my soup and I got my sanity. I'll get through this!


Tasha said...

I hope you're feeling better soon!! I know all too well about that gut feeling about strep...I had it 9 times in a 2 year period back in college. I can sense it coming a week beforehand now, but thankfully I've only gotten it twice in the last 4 or 5 years.

Dee said...

feel better soon

are you allowed to put the horse pills in the blender with a nice banana oatmeal shake?

Enchantress said...

Thanks, Tasha. I'm feeling worlds better now. I think there wouldn't be much of a population without the wonder of antibiotics. :) Yeesh! Nine times? You poor thing! Do they still take tonsils out of people who get it to much? I still have mine, but I don't hear about people getting tonsils removed anymore.

GC -Thanks loads! I am. :) Hmm. I know you've seen my posts on bananas. Can't do 'em even though everyone I know, including everyone in my family can eat them. Maybe strawberries? Yeah. Strawberries or pineapples I can do. :)

Dee said...

forgot about the bananas