Thursday, November 15, 2007

You Gotta See it to Believe it!

My first blog was created to chronicle my quest to a better body. I began that quest and did quite well, then I got pregnant and decided to do my chronicling here. I didn't pick up my posts on my previous blog until January of this year, in my attempts to lose said baby weight. It was a rough start. Illness after illness, problem after problem. I just couldn't get a handle on it. For the last couple of months, I've really put my focus in. I even signed up on the Daily Plate and began tracking my food and exercise there, just so I wouldn't have to do it on one my dumb spreadsheets. Well, the proof is in the pudding (or lack thereof in my case). I'm down 25 pounds and have nearly hit the ultimate goal I set for myself: to return to my pre-pregnancy weight and size.

I will be changing that goal very soon and it has me a little anxious. Where will this new goal lead? Will I get there? Will my hubby kill me in the process? (he's designing a plan for me and I haven't seen it yet. I have a feeling that there will be lots of yelling and tears on my end). My visual goal is to get down as far as I can, in order to compete for a figure competition. That means my weight training program is about to kick into overdrive and I'm sort of excited by the idea. My arms and legs are already looking better than they did before the baby, and I was training then. I don't know what's different. My attitude is good, but it was good then too. I'm older, so that's definitely not a benefit. My eating is a little different, so perhaps that's it. Oh, and that part of it will change when I start preparing for the competition itself. The menu isn't the most appetizing in the world, but it serves it's purpose. I'll probably feel like all I do is eat once it begins.

The competition is a goal and certainly not something that I'm cornering myself into doing. If I get there, I get there and that's great! If I don't, then what have I lost? Absolutely nothing...but I would have gained a super hot body on the way. I feel really good and the prospect of feeling better astounds me. I'm also loving the bonuses like tight arms and very little jiggle in the thighs. Nice.

If you decided to peruse the other site, my weight may surprise you. The number seems quite high for someone of my height, and it is; however, I carry a huge amount of muscle mass. I have since I was a child and my own children do as well (my seven year-old is skinny at forty pounds, but ripped...she should be competing!). I've carried my weight well but I haven't made that an excuse. I am quick to get it off when it begins to cause me problems with my health or, heaven forbid, prevent me from wearing my favorite clothes.

I'm looking forward to wherever this new road leads me. So far, it's been a good ride.


Icey said...

Congratulations on meeting your goal!! I am so proud of you!! I working on my weight goal now! I have to use tiny increments! I am working on my first ten pounds! I still hate exercising though!

Enchantress said...

It's tough, but once you get to that stage where you're addicted, it's all gravy (hmmm, gravy). :)